
Monday, August 31, 2015

Homemade bread in a flash

This bread recipe is quick and easy. I found the recipe for 'Easy Peesy French Bread' at My Mundane and Miraculous Life blog, and have adapted it to suit me. If you asked me, I'd say it was as easy as piss french bread.

I find it not like traditional French bread, but for something that is ready in under an hour, it is worth whipping up on short notice.

I usually bake it when we are having spag bol and make garlic bread with it.

You can cook it during the day, so dinner time isn't so rushed. Lord knows how hard that time of night is and usually has me wishing I'd bought wine.

This is the yeast I buy, and I do like it says. I keep it in the fridge.

1 1/2 cups warm water (not hot, you will kill the yeast, been there, done that)
1 tablespoon honey (use a tablespoon of sugar if you don't have honey)
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 1/2 tablespoons Dry yeast
3 1/2 - 4 cups flour

Place everything except the flour in a bowl and stir to combine. Let sit for 10 minutes to go frothy.

Preheat oven to 220 degrees.

Mix in 3 1/2 cups of flour to form a dough. 

Knead in flour until it is not sticky. The dough should feel sticky, but not sticky enough that it still sticks all over your fingers.

Shape into two logs.

Cut slits in top and bake for 15 - 20 minutes. The loaf should sound hollow when knocked.

You could use the dough to bake a whole loaf, or divide it further into rolls. 

If you want to make garlic bread with it. I use 3/4 cup margarine, with 4-5 finely chopped garlic cloves mixed in. Slice the bread, not all the way through. Then spread the butter on both sides of the sections. Wrap in foil and bake at 220 degrees for 15 minutes. 

Garlic bread, with no green bits. My kids wouldn't touch it otherwise!


  1. That looks so good, but I can tell you now, it will never happen in this house!! Too lazy!

  2. Got to love a recipe that's easy! I make French bread in my breadmakers. I love modern gadgets!

  3. There's nothing yummier than freshly baked bread! Love it!

  4. Wow that is impressive! I LOVE the smell of freshly baked bread

  5. I'm going to keep an eye out for that yeast, I'm constantly killing the stuff I buy! I haven't baked bread for years, but I bake a great hot cross bun!

    1. I bought this yeast from Woolies next to all the flours.

  6. Yes mine don't like the green bits either - but are warming up to them!! Have a fabulous week xx

  7. That would be extremely dangerous for me. I LOVE bread (all ALL THE CARBS) and if it was hot, fresh bread straight from the oven I'd eat WAY too much. Although, if I made garlic bread my boys would polish it off in seconds. GENIUS. Thanks!

    1. I didn't eat any of this, but the fam polished it all off. I am trying to stay away from carbs, especially bread.

  8. That looks so good! I absolutely love fresh bread, especially when it's turned in to garlic bread! The girls love it too, and thankfully they have no qualms with green bits on their bread if we have herb instead, they are carb lovers like their Mum and will take bread in any way, shape or form!

    1. My youngest will eat anything I put in front of her. I am dreading the day she turns fussy like her older sister. Hopefully that won't happen.

  9. Wow, looks so good and so easy to make as well. I'm definitely going to have to give this a try.

    1. Do it Raychael. It is easy and even your girls could make it :)

  10. That bread looks delish!!!! I can practically smell it :)

  11. OMG I love the look of this bread. I am so going to give it a go. I think my daughter will love it. Thanks for the recipe :)

  12. Mmm! The only bread I've made was in the bread machine. This looks fantastic!

    1. Ready in much less time than the bread machine. It's a great quick standby recipe :)

  13. Oh yummy! That looks great...I've always wanted to bake my own bread and have even bought yeast but somehow, never got around to doing it. Maybe once I'm done with uni, it's another thing I can add to the list...

  14. This looks so good. I might have to give it a go. I love fresh bread and we do have a bread maker but rarely use it. It looks like it makes tasty garlic bread too.

  15. I just made this bread although I did cheat and mixed and kneaded in my Kitchen Aide. Like you say great for a quick bread in under an hour. It even rose really well. I think when I make it again if I am not in a rush I would left it prove a bit to see it it made it any lighter as it is a bit dense for me, but that is personal taste. Ps I added Chai seeds - because I could


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