
Monday, June 1, 2015

You know the time when...

We all have moments in the day, that make us or break us. Some are feel good and leave lasting happy memories, and some, well just plain suck. Here are some amusing moments that have come about in the past months.

....You head down the hallway to bed with your arm stretched out in front of you like Superman, feeling like you just conquered the world. But really you just conquered too many wines.

The reason I look preggers

....You've been eating well all day, you've got through the after school whines and are just about to cook dinner, when you just realised you got your period. You just say fuck it, I am going to have ice cream and wine for tea! Of course you continue cooking spag bol for the fam and binge the rest of the night away.

....Sad sack binging comes to bite you on the arse, when your uncle asks if you have 'one on the way'. You have to admit that you're just fat. Major reality check. You still go to Maccas for lunch.
A friend posted this on my FB timeline after the birthday party. Obviously to console me at the face painters
lack of talent in the portrait department. 

....Your husband decides to get his face painted at a birthday party, just for fun. On the off chance, you ask the lady if she knows how to do Channing Tatum, because that will make you really happy.

....You just go to bed and you hear your phone notification chime go off. Twice. You spend the next ten minutes convincing yourself not to get up. You spend another ten minutes after that, reminding yourself, not to forget to write this down in a blog post.

....You're watching the telly, and all of a sudden you hear your five year old yell from the back door. "I'm just putting the dog out, because he is rooting a toy". That's when you know you're doing this parenting thing right.

.... Hubby is winning in the parenting stakes too. Yesterday Izzy walks in saying to her sister, "You can't bother Dad in the shed. He's doing something that can make you blind". He was welding of course. It just sounded much worse.

Kids. My source of amusement, and frustration, all rolled into one.

Share a moment with me in the comments. Surely I'm not the only one having them.


  1. I LOVE the welding story (you should send it in to readers digest - they'll pay you for it, or anyone one else that pays for that sort of's hilarious!)

  2. Oh that welding moment would have pricked up my ears in alarm! Pardon the pun! X

    1. It was just plain amusing. It took me a minute to realise that he was actually welding. I could faintly hear it from the back door. I am just glad he listened to me and told the kids to stay away. Can't be too lax with safety when the kids are concerned.

  3. If only turning hubbies into Channing Tatum were that easy!

  4. When I get a period all dieting or healthy eating goes out the window and in comes STRONG cravings for chocolate - every time! ;-)

  5. Oh I so needed that laugh right now my friend... so much going on so little time to bleat about it. But please know you are NOT alone. Big love to you xx

    1. Big love much appreciated x I so know the 'so much going on' thing, I have to slow myself down and listen to my body and realise I can't do ALL the things.

  6. Replies
    1. Ha ha, yes welding! Although sometimes I do think he is a bit of a wanker ;)

  7. Bahaha, the welding! Oh man, I would be laughing about that for months to come! Kids are the best!

    1. It will bring a smile to my face for months to come. My kids are such dags. They come out with some pearlers. Brett got to the shops and realised he forgot something and Izzy piped up to him "Well your stuffed, aren't you Dad?!"

  8. Haha! Kids do say the darndest things!

  9. My life is a constant stream of moments like this, Alicia. SO glad to know it's not just me!

  10. funny! :)
    I am in such a daze this morning that I read your post early, totally forgetting to comment and totally forgetting to link up my post!... thank goodness I have a holiday coming up because it would appear I need one!

  11. Your adorable kids are darling girl!!! I totally need to go to australia! Thats my number one thing on my bucket list! :)

    1. Thank you Iris. Australia would love you. Make sure you go to Adelaide, my state capital. They call it Radelaide. Reminds me of your twitter handle x

  12. Yes, funny moments, very good sense of humor!!


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