
Monday, April 27, 2015

Just call the me the exterminator

The Mortein pest control products you see in this post, were gifted for the purpose of this post.

Ever since we've had our holiday house, Summer has been shit scared there might be spiders in the toilet. She's fine at home, but any toilet she doesn't know well is terrifying territory. Public toilets are heralded with screeching if she sees an inkling of cobweb, and she won't go in the cubicle unless I am there holding her hand.

Before we bought the Pelican Point house, there had been no one living in the house for at least two years. The bugs, spiders and every other creepy crawly insect had moved in and taken over.

When I cleaned the house for the first time, I filled a vacuum bag of cobwebs, dead millipedes, dead flies, spiders, dust and dirt, and what looked like to me spider or bug egg cacoons! Gross!

I sprayed the place with fly spray, but every time we go back there, there seems to be more millipedes, and daddy long legs lingering in the corners of the ceiling.

Over the weekend I went armed with surface spray. I sprayed every cornice, doorway, window and skirting board. I am five foot and a skerrick, and the flip out spray nozzle helped me reach and direct the spray to the ceiling cornices and in between tight spaces, like beside the fridge and stove.

The Mortein surface spray will keep killing them, even when I'm not there, for six months. Our hot water service is under cover in the car port, so I gave that a spray all around too, because bugs, ants and spiders like to nestle in around it's warmth.

After only five minutes, the surface spray had millipedes appearing all over the carpet, escaping there hidey holes. I honestly DO NOT know where they were hiding! I couldn't see them before, but the spray brought them out. I ran around with the dust pan, and a minute later there were more!

I know I am going to have to go back before anyone stays there to clean up the dead bugs. I am expecting to see loads of dead creepy crawlies when I do! I'll be glad to have them under control.

We did have a booking last week, but they decided to stay in a neighbouring seaside town instead. We still kept the deposit, so we made something!

We've still yet to have a paying overnight guest.

I really should have bought the surface spray home with me, because there is this one cockroach that scurries out of it's hiding spot every few months. They are quick little buggers, and as soon as I have seen him, he disappears, and out of my memory. I'd like to think he is the only one, but there must be more cockroaches around. Not to mention the ants, and spiders as well.

I had a spider dangle down from the ventilation fan yesterday. Right above the pasta I had just finished cooking on the stove. Imagine if he fell in and I had no clue. Eeeew, right?!

When is the last time you surface sprayed? Do you have kids that freak at the sight of bugs? What creepy crawlies have started squatting in your home?


  1. You've just made me paranoid I've not been seeing them....eeeew!

    1. Haha. I just didn't realise there were so many hiding away. Sneaky buggers :)

  2. That's a lot of bugs! We get those millipedes too. Where do they come from?!

  3. I don't think I've ever even seen a millipede before. We have cockroaches here and they're the massive ones, I guess they hide until they get huge because I've hardly ever seen a little one. We once had the cops called on us because I was hysterical about a cockroach that cornered me in the bathroom while I was pregnant (it didn't help that I was full of pregnancy hormones and Trent thought it'd be funny to taunt me with the bloody thing instead of just getting rid of it). Police thought it was pretty funny though and its a funny story now.

    1. The cockroaches here aren't huge here, I guess the warm weather makes them grow huge or they just love the hot weather. That's funny. Who would have thought you'd have such a great story over a nasty cockroach.

  4. Millipedes are shocking these days. Wonder if the spray will help with those. I think I should give my house a good going over. My little girl is scared of spiders too lately.

    1. I used to work in a garden, and found that snail pellets used to kill the millipedes too. the old fella put them all around the edge of his house, so it killed them before they came in!

  5. My kids all freak out at the sight of ants. You can imagine how much fun camping is with them!

    1. We've had ants in the house lately. When Brett looked after our youngest once, he wasn't watching her and she was sitting out the front covered in them. Dad fail :)

  6. I think that is hilarious with all the millipedes coming out.. They hide very well. Every 6mths I 'bomb' the house with a spray as we live in an area surrounded by many trees and trees bring bugs. I don't mind spiders but the rest of my family freak out....

  7. My 4 year old freaks out at bugs and this house seems to have a lot of them. We've only lived in this one since December but have noticed that there is a lot more than in our previous house which was only 5 streets over.

    I really should get the surface spray out and got to town on this place. Thanks for the reminder!

    1. Do it now, before the warm weather brings them out in force again!

  8. My hubby would probably burn the place down if he found a spider, so we tend to have an annual spray. While he was away at sea, I discovered a red back spider in my girls room. I don't have a fear like hubby but I was close to relocating after that close call.

    1. Red back spiders are the worst. I actually come across a few while cleaning this house. there was at least one in the laundry that a visitor pointed out. Hopefully the surface spray will get him.

  9. I know we spoke about this in the comments of another post, how Punky is the same as Summer, so worried about the spiders in the toilet. Thankfully after Dave went on a killing spree and got rid of them from the toilet she is happy to go by herself again. And not a moment too soon! We get lots of millipedes at our house too, but I always hesitate to get rid of them because Punky loves them. She can spend ages playing with the ones she finds, and I must say, it's quite nice having her happy to pick them up and take them outside for me!

    1. Before I sprayed the house, the girls were playing with them too, having races with them on the coffee table. they thought it was hilarious when one climbed all the way up Izzys arm and on to her shoulder :)

  10. Ants are our issue here... especially on hot days. I think we must have a nest under the house.

  11. My 11 year old son is the brave one in our household getting rid of any creepy crawly we spot. I on the other hand plan to go and get some of this Mortein spray, I totally hate creepy crawlies!

  12. Well done on the site for you holiday home, it's great! Now you just need to spread the word, let me know if you need ideas on how! I HATE bugs, seriously, give me mice, snakes etc any day over creepy crawlies..

    1. No no no, I don't do snakes. Skin crawling just thinking about it.
      Thanks luvvy, I tried not to make the site too wanky. Already thinking about ways to get it out there :)

  13. I'm not really scared of creepy crawlies, so I can usually be relied on to deal with them. I am, however, afraid of frogs - go figure!

    1. Oh, I just remembered, we have a random ant issue. Really tiny ants who appear from nowhere just a few at a time, and then I won't see any for a week or so. Maybe the surface spray would be a good plan for those pesky little guys.

  14. I am really terrible with anything creepy crawly so you are doing an amazing job! Sounds like you are making it a great place to get away and relax

  15. I feel Summer's pain! I hate public toilets for that very cobwebby reason! I never go to the Salt Creek toilets as there was a hunty in there once! Never again!

  16. Eewww! creepy crawlies! so gross! My house is in 'Leech Season' we are right on the bush, and with all the rain I find them all over the place. Anyone that comes to visit gets spray on their feet!!

    1. Oh wow leeches. Now there's something to get squirmy about :)

  17. Fortunately now there is no plague at home!

  18. Hey, you used to write wonderful, but the last few posts have been kinda boring¡K I miss your great writings. Past few posts are just a bit out of track! come on! 
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