
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March #52weeksofmemories

9. Fun

10. Outside

 11. Hug
A make up hug, after a fight, because apparently Summer wasn't helping to clean up. 

 12. Playing
Summer like to watch princess play doh tutorials on youtube, while she plays with hers. 

Izzy playing with her 'Ipad'

It's been dropped and the screen has cracked, still works fine. I put a film of clear contact over the screen and it has worked a charm.
I use an app called Kid Mode, I really like it. It's great for phones too. 

Finding Myself Young 52 Weeks of Memories


  1. Gorgeous grown up girls they are Alicia!! Great pics!!
    Do not get me started on cracked bloody tablet screens!!

  2. How awesome that the contact worked on the ipad.

  3. Omg the old hills hoist swing! Love it!

  4. That's a whole lotta fun! Ah, climbing ont he clothes line... now that's a fun memory of mine. Cute photos of your darlings x

  5. oh the old hills hoist, brings back so many memories from when my boys were younger....they loved singing on our "Old Big Hills Hoist" {we had one of those really old ones with lots of wire}
    Great pics of your 52 weeks of memories.


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