
Monday, March 30, 2015

How to post a recipe with print option, without a wordpress plugin

I've just joined my local community garden. I went to my first meeting yesterday and planted out a couple plots with the girls. I am really excited about it, and can't wait to be involved with, hopefully, making the gardens a success.

One thing I have volunteered to do, is set up a website for the gardens, which I have. You can have a sticky beak here. I have thrust myself into uncharted territory and gone with using wordpress, something I have no idea about. 

I am enjoying the challenge so far, not too much swearing, yet. One thing I am anticipating and hoping for lots of input from my fellow gardening members, is sharing recipes. The goal I am going for in the long run is to have enough recipes, to compile a cookbook we can flog online and in print. A cookbook of recipes from our community garden.  

Even though I don't do it on this site, I wanted to kick off from the start on the gardens website, to present recipes with a print option right there on the page.

I did lots of googling (as you do when you need to know something, you have no idea about), and realised that because I haven't registered a domain name, and am using wordpress free, I don't have the plugin option.

I had to find another way, and I found it here.

There is a short code, you can easily use, that presents your recipe in a pretty package with a print function bow tied on top.

[recipe title="name of recipe" servings="a number" time="length of time" difficulty="easy, hard"]

type recipe here as you would normally


As long as you add just one the servings, time, or difficulty options after the title, the print button will automatically appear to the right of the recipe, after the heading.

Where there is red in the above short code, add your own text according to your recipe. 

Try it next time you want to publish a recipe on wordpress and you don't have a plugin. You don't need one!


  1. Aren't you a clever clogs!! All I see when I look at any kind of code is a complete foreign language!! Be sure to share the website when it is up and running!!

  2. This is great. I've recently reintroduced recipes to the blog and have been playing around with an actual plugin because I couldn't find exactly what I wanted and now appreciate I've probably been over complicating things. I'm also trying to cut down on the amount of plugins I have running.

  3. Fantastic news Alicia! Thanks so much for sharing. The cookbook idea sounds wonderful.

  4. YAY thanks so much as I often wonder how people do this and I have ZERO design skills. Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead! xx

  5. Actually I've just realised I'm self hosted so can just get the plug in, see! USELESS!

  6. I wish I were technologically smarter! Even after googling how to do various things I'm still left floundering usually! Hence my simple blog look!

  7. That's cool - I rarely put recipes on the blog but I will bookmark this post & the code. There would be no point in me installing a plug in for a once-in-a-five-year event on my blog (otherwise known as sharing a recipe)!!!

  8. This is great. Aren't you clever to do all of this PLUS be a mum and run a blog! I've been thinking of doing more receipes but I use Wordpress....any idea what is the best Wordpress plug in to use for print

  9. Good on you Alicia for volunteering at your local community garden... AND setting up the website for it! A perfect accompaniment to your cooking and blogging :) I love how there is always a solution to every problem too♥

  10. Very interesting. We are always learning new stuff. Thanks for sharing this.

  11. They say you learn something everyday, I have just learnt something (not that I am sure who THEY are).. Thanks for a great post.

  12. I don't have wordpress because I couldn't be bothered with all the plugins but go you for finding a way around it!

  13. Good on you for giving it a go. I have been thinking (and googling) a lot lately about changing over from blogger to's the fear of stuffing it all up and having no idea what I am doing that's holding me back at this point!!


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