
Monday, March 2, 2015

Getting out of the house. Making it my mission.

Brett took the girls for a drive yesterday, about lunch time. I sat and watched Landline on the ABC. I am never disappointed when I watch that tv show, always an interesting story. 

After Landline had finished, I took a walk around the yard. To be quite honest I got a bit bored. 

Shame on me, I am always whining about not having time for myself, to do the things I want to do. I am pretty lucky, I always find time for a cuppa tea and a flick through a foodie mag. I used to be so into gardening mags, but nowadays it seems to be food mags, It probably explains my widening girth too. Something about my eyes being bigger than my belly. 

It may have a big thing to do with my depression pills too. The doctor did warn me that my appetite would increase taking them. The urges to stuff my face with ALL the food, are getting harder to ignore, my will power is definitely struggling. 

I too, am kicking myself that I haven't taken more advantage of the longer evenings of daylight savings, and gone for walks after dinner. Last year I remember taking off immediately after dinner, leaving Brett to take care of the kids, so I could get out for a walk on my own. Major doh! 

Autumn has come all too quickly, and the shorter days are creeping up, along with the season of comfort food! My stretchy pants are becoming so more comfy and I fear half of my wardrobe is becoming obsolete.  I need to give myself a major kick up the fat arse! I think I need to make a point of taking young Summer for more bike rides during the day. Getting of the house more is going to be my mission, and not in the car! 

I did however, when I should have been enjoying some time alone, mow the lawn. As you do. Well I am guessing most of you don't!

When I finished mowing, they weren't home yet, so I took myself off to the local Plants Plus. A wonderful one it is too, I wish I had more money to spend there. 

I spent $20(my budget) in no time, quite happily, and left with a renewed skip in my step. 
I bought a packet of 30 ranunculus corms and a few plants from the bargain bins, that just need some love by getting them out of the pot and into the ground! I am so looking forward to those Ranunculus flowering in Spring. They are so awesome as a cut flower.

What are you regretting not doing over the Summer?
What are you getting excited about for the coming year?


  1. Every year I want to go for drinks on Cockatoo island, and every summer I don't...:(

    1. Put it in your diary for December! And put a heart next to it. You have to do it for you x

  2. I am regretting that Summer barely even bothered to show in Melbourne this year! We were expecting a sizzler and got fizz.
    Don't be too hard on yourself. There's definitely an adjustment period as soon as the kids are off your hands for a while.

    1. We have really missed out too. Our outside blinds are always down by Australia Day and we haven't had them down at all this year. Didn't get those long heat waves at all.

  3. Apparently a heat wave is about to his South-East Qld later this week so summer is not going to leave us without a BANG! Regrets this summer for me - maybe I could have spent more time in the pool and also found a way to be more active. I hate the heat and it tends to keep me in the aircon a lot! I'm not a fan of summer, preferring cooler climates of autumn, spring and winter. Then again, winter is very mild in Brisbane!! :-)

    1. I always feel so cooped up and stir crazy in winter. We had no heatwave this year and I don't think it is coming either!

  4. Totally regretting not getting out for long walks along the beach. Feels like summer just came and went and I totally missed it! However looking forward to the cooler season and all the things that come with it - fires, hearty foods, rugging up!

  5. Nothing better than a wee shopping spree at the nursery x

  6. I am with Toni and Mama wish I had hit the beach more but the beach with a baby is a messy, hard thing. Next summer. But I do love winter.

  7. I wish I had gone to the beach more.
    I went friday arvo and it was beautiful... I really should have taken advantage of it more often this summer.

  8. I LOVE mowing the lawn, it's good exercise, some 'quiet' time and means time out from the kids. I hear about the waistline, why does food have to taste so nice!

    1. I like to mow the lawns, because I think I do a better job than my hubby, ha! It is kinda therapeutic in a way too.

  9. I am finding it so hard to exercise and eat healthy while travelling and my willpower is probably somewhere with yours!!!
    I wish I had saved more money and got fitter before coming overseas!

    1. I'd be enjoying all that tasty asian food, the smells must be amazing. Loving all your photos from overseas, you look fantastic too by the way x

  10. I find I need to get out of the house or I eat so probably not just the drugs. Maybe you just need a change of scene to distract you every now and then. I'm going through a patch where I am just over being home even if I'm only home for the weekend. I think we get so used to being busy that it sometimes makes it hard to not be busy.
    The weather starting to cool should make it easier to get out for rides during the day.
    I wish I'd done more swimming in the pretty places around here but the weather won't cool much any time soon so I still have time for that. I also wish I'd got off my butt and paid to do lap swimming. I think it is time I did that.

  11. Wonderful, enjoy your free time! Here begins the spring!

  12. This year we actually have made the most of summer. It has been nice!!
    Take care of you. xx

    1. So glad to hear that. I am feeling like I need some 'taking care of me' time right now!

  13. Would love to see photos of your garden. This summer, I regret not going to the Open Air or Moonlight cinemas. I always want to go but somehow, never end up doing it. Maybe next year! Not enjoying the shorter and cooler days...I love summer!

    1. It's been a while since I went around the garden and took some photos. I will have to do that this week, just for you x

  14. I cannot believe how quickly this summer has gone. The days are longer but the weeks are shorter it seems.
    With life being so busy, I wish we had used the barbeque a whole lot more than we have. Our outdoor table usually sees many evening surrounded by friends with hoards of children running around the backyard. This summer I could count on two hands how often we've fired up the hot plates.
    Maybe next summer...

  15. I'm not to sad Summer is over, I hate the Heat! but I will be sad when the days are shorter. I'm with you wish we did more things in the evening, more beach walks, outside BBQ's etc.

  16. The only thing I regret is not taking the girls down to the river more. We all love it so much, the girls can play in the water, Dave can fish and I get to take photos. But I am so glad it is now autumn. I actually prefer to exercise in the colder months because it's so much more lovely to go out walking in the crisp air, and I can exercise outside in the middle of the day. I hate getting up early so morning exercise is out of the question, and by evening all I want to do is flake on the lounge so autumn & winter are great for me for exercising!

    1. I have been slacko, and I totally get the evenings and just wanting to fall in a heap.


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