
Monday, March 16, 2015

Creamy pumpkin pasta

If you follow me on Instagram, you'd see me posting of my lunch quite often. If you haven't, search #onemotherkitchen and see all the yummy stuff for yourself. 

Nothing like making my own pasta in the morning, and eating it for lunch. Just have to knock up an easy sauce. This one is made in one dish(if you don't count the pot for cooking the pasta). 

Pumpkin creamy pasta 
400 grams pumpkin, cubed into 2cm pieces
4 or five garlic cloves
dried mixed herbs*
salt and pepper

1/2 cup of thickened cream
cooked pasta of choice( I used 400 grams of cooked spaghetti) A pasta like penne, would be great too to hold all of that wonderful sauce.

Place pumpkin and garlic in a baking tray. Drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil and mix all together.

Sprinkle with dried mixed herbs and bake in a 190 degree oven for 15-20 minutes.

Remove the tray from the oven. Grab a fork and press down on each cube of pumpkin. Some will collapse and some will still be a little firm. That's ok. You want the different textures.

Mash the bits of garlic with the fork, so it will incorporate with the sauce.

Pour the cream into the tray and stir to combine it through the pumpkin and garlic. Season with salt and pepper. Put back in the oven for five minutes to warm through the cream.

Throw cooked pasta in the pan and stir through the creamy pumpkin sauce. Serve with parmesan and crusty bread if you like.

*Now is a great time to pick some herbs from the garden, hang them up somewhere like you're kitchen, it looks great. When they dry out, chop them finely and keep in a jar in the pantry. Try rosemary, thyme, parsley, sage, whatever you have. Even though I have rosemary in my garden already, I have just discovered rosemary growing in the carpark in our local Woolies. Sucked in to anyone silly enough to buy it in store!

Do you grow your own herbs? 


  1. Replies
    1. Make it for an early lunch! Just save some pasta from the night before!

  2. I do love food that you just chuck in the over and do nothing...all meals should be made that way...(so I can multitask...)

  3. Your Creamy Pumpkin Pasta dish looks delicious! I do grow my own herbs... love them, they make any dish that bit more special♥

    1. Such a handy thing to do is dry your own herbs.

  4. That looks divine and super easy as well. I'm sharing a pumpkin dish myself on the blog today.

    1. I did see that Raychael! So flavourful when roasted!

  5. Ooh this looks so yummy!! I really want it for lunch now LOL.:)

  6. That looks so good, another one to show Dave, he LOVES pumpkin and so do the girls. Dave has been talking about setting up a herb garden lately, since he's been getting so in to using herbs and spices in his cooking, we just don't have a very good track record with gardening, unfortunately, LOL!

    1. He should totes try growing his own pumpkin, and herbs! maybe just put some seasol in a plastic bottle with water and use it as a dripper so only have to check it once in a while :) The plants will get a slow release water and fertiliser. have to google this, because it is just suggested on a whim ;)

  7. I've just got the kids hooked on pasta, but not homemade stuff! I LOVE pumpkin in pasta but right now I'm trying to be good with what I put in my body after being so useless for years xx

  8. Yes, wonderful food, love !! Thank you !!

  9. Yum yum yum! This looks so good, and perfect for this chilly weather!

    1. It is leaning a bit more now, towards the chilly weather!

  10. This looks amazing and now I want it for lunch. Urgh I already packed a salad. Maybe tomorrow. Our air con at work freezes us by lunch time so I am always looking for warm comfort like food by then.

  11. I knew about the rosemary in the carpark at Woolies, told the check out chic about it and she couldn't believe it! That pasta looks delish Alicia, I love roast pumpkin.

    1. It is delish Katie. I gotta try eat more healthy a bit more. Been so bad.

  12. I must remember this for next time I am cooking just for me!! Someone complains too much if I cook pasta although I put my foot down and we have spag bol once a week on a night when I need simple!!

  13. Eating this now. Added some roasted pine nuts. Delicious and easy! Thanks :)


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