
Monday, February 23, 2015

Persian spiced veggies with lentils

I like to share my food on instagram. I just like to share my food! 

I am one of those weird people who sit down, take a photo, then proceed to eat, whilst instafaceytweeting what's on my plate.

Some people don't get it and sometimes I let that sway me. But in the end, I like to do it, so I keep posting.  I thought I would push it further and overshare here with how I make it. 

This spice mix is in my pantry. I use it to sprinkle on my veggies before I bake them for lunch some days.

Persian spice
2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 teaspoon ground rose petals*
2 teaspoon cardamom
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon coriander

Mix all together and store in an airtight jar or plastic container in the pantry.

*I find the smelliest roses I have, take a couple of handfuls of the petals and place them on a baking tray. Dry them in a slow oven until they are dry, then crush them up. If you're not into eating your garden,  you can buy edible rose petals online or in specialty food delis, or just leave it out.

Baharat spice mix is good to use if you want instead of the persian spice.

Vegetables of choice, such as - pumpkin, sweet potato, eggplant, onion, garlic, beetroot, zucchini, capsicum. 
1 tin lentils, drained and rinsed**
half a tablespoon of persian spice
Olive oil

Chops veggies into 2cm cubes. Coat with olive oil and persian spice in a baking tray. Season with salt and pepper.

Bake in the oven at 200 for 15 - 20 minutes.

Tip and mix in a can of lentils, put back in the oven for another five minutes to warm through.

Serve as a warm salad with feta cheese and fresh herbs. I've used greek yogurt and mint in the photo above. 

**Instead of lentils, you could go in with whatever you like, brown rice, couscous, chick peas or quinoa. 

I've also made this with squash, pumpkin, sweet potato, onion and garlic. Instead of the spice blend, just used mixed dried herbs, salt, pepper and olive oil. Baked for 15 minutes, add the lentils for 5 minutes and served with greek yogurt and basil pesto. So yum!


  1. This sounds really exotic Alicia! Can I come over to your place for dinner?! (I'll bring dessert!)

  2. That looks fantastic! I might give that a go too - just need to get all those spices (again)

    1. Make up a big batch when you buy the spices. It's there ready for anything!

  3. Oooh yummo!!
    I wish my instagram was working!! It keeps telling me it needs to update but I have no space left on my phone!!

    1. Do you have a micro SD for your phone. Buy one, or put all your photos on a hard drive!

  4. Oh yum, Yum, YUM! I love roasted veggies! This looks amazing! I make up my own spice mixes too but have never thought to add rose petals. I like to photograph my meals too but generally stick to brekky or lunch meals because I prefer taking photo's in natural daylight. :-)

    1. When daylight savings stops, dinner time photos go out the window, No natural light at all! One good thing about DLSavings I spose :)

  5. This looks amazing!! I must try it :)

  6. YUM!! What a great variation to add to your vegetables! Going to have to give this a try!

    1. Make a difference from the norm. The trick is to get the flavoured olive oil mixed all through the lentils. The flavour in the bottom of the pan with that oil is delish!

  7. That looks delicious, I am definitely going to have to try this spice mix and the Baharat one, the chickpea dish looks yummo as well. I am on the hunt for some inspiration in the kitchen as I am sick of making the same old things. Yum, will be bookmarking some of your recipes! Beth.

    1. The chick pea dish is my fave! So good with some fresh coriander!

  8. I love a veggie stack but never make them. Finally inspired by yours Alicia

  9. I am going to show Dave your spice mix. He is getting in to spices in a big way lately, on his quest to build his collection of recipes and he's always talking about how this spice is good for this and that. He will be so keen to try it.

    1. I made some kasundi with my peaches last week, it is so yummy. I am sure he would love it, it is so full of spice!

  10. I don't think you're weird at all Alicia... I take photos of the dishes I make too, only I don't like to post too many because this isn't my field of expertise... I just like taking the pics cause it looks so good! Love what you've done here... these photos are making me hungry! ...and I've not considered drying rose petals before... looks decadent ♥

    1. I am no expert Leanda! I just like to share what can be done in an ordinary kitchen with natural stuff, readily available at the local supermarket, or in your own garden ;)

  11. Looks delish Alicia. I'm so boring with cooking but it's because my kids won't touch it otherwise, I have made a rod for my own back :(

    1. Oh my gawd, don't be fooled here Em. This is MY lunch. My kids wouldn't touch this with a barge pole!

  12. I didn't even know you could eat roses. Once again you are braver than me in your food choices!

  13. Instafaceytweety!! hahaha... love that!
    If I could cook like you I would be exactly the same!
    My dad however does not understand the fuss..."Who wants to bloody see a pic of other peoples dinner" he often scoffs! haha

    1. I had someone who didn't know I like do it, say that to me too! I should have stood up for myself but just shut up. I should have disclosed it loud and proud!

  14. I love lentils! Beautiful photos !!

  15. Interesting and creative lunch. I don't think I've seen anything like it before. It looks and sounds tasty.

  16. Yum! I really like the sound of that spice mix.
    I feel like I have an entire grocery store spice shelf in my pantry these days, it would be fun to try something like this with what I've got.
    Thanks for sharing.


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