
Friday, February 6, 2015

Homemade chocolate chip muesli bars

I am so glad I had a go at making my own muesli bars. I don't know what it is, but I see the boxes of bars at the supermarket and I just can't bring myself to buy them. Maybe it's the price, or maybe it's just because I haven't had success in getting my kids to like them.

I was quite surprised my fussy eater loved these, and Brett was full of compliments about them too. I thought they were extremely tasty, and will surely be making them again. Soon! I can see that they are not going to last long. 

I am so keen to try out different ingredients, besides chocolate chips and sunflower seeds. Like apricot and almond, choc chips and chopped up dried banana, or white choc chips. As an afterthought, a tablespoon of sesame seeds probably wouldn't have gone astray in this batch. The possibilities are endless. 

You should try make some, they are yumptious scrumptious and fantastic for school lunch boxes.

4 cups rolled oats
1/4 cup flour
1/2 cup dessicated coconut
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
3/4 cup chocolate chips
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 canola oil
1/2 cup honey

Preheat oven to 160C. Line a baking tray with baking paper.

Place oats, flour, coconut, brown sugar, chocolate chips, sunflower seeds and salt in a large bowl. Mix to combine.

Whisk together the oil and honey until well combined. Add to the dry ingredients until the oats are well coated with the oil mixture.

Tip onto baking tray and mound into a rectangle, about 22 x 28 cm and 2 cm thick. I used an egg flip to help push down and flatten the top and neaten the edges.

Bake for 40 minutes, until golden.
Cool for 10 minutes on the tray, then slice into 24 bars.


  1. These look great. Last week was the first time I ever made a homemade muesli bar and I loved them. I am not keen on the bought ones. I'll have to give these ones a go next time. :)
    Julie :)

  2. I will totally make these Alicia. Supermarket bars cost bucket loads, especially when you have 6 kids and the bars come in packs of six! Thanks for blogging this.

  3. Good on you for making your own. My kids have never liked muesli bars so they are not a staple in my house but I am interested in baking more for them this year - I better since I'm now a working at home mum!

  4. What a great idea! Yummmm! I'm totally looking for new recipes so keen to give this a whirl!

  5. Looks great, I'm a big fan of cranberry muesli bars but they are so expensive, I'll have to give these a whirl.

  6. My kids love muesli bars and I would love to try and make some so I can reduce the sugar content and stop buying them. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Jx

  7. I have tried making bars before and failed but these look great and I will have to try them!!

  8. These look fantastic. They look like they'd taste scrumptious too. I remember having chewy peanut butter ones in my lunch box when I was little (store bought). You couldn't have them at school these days but gee they were good back in the day.


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