
Monday, February 2, 2015

Blackfellows Caves

My place in time #24 - Something I've never seen before

Just down the road, about 5 kms from Pelican Point, lies the little fishing hamlet of Blackfellows Caves. So named I guess for the caves that have been carved out by the sea in the limestone. 

It's the first time I have gone to have a look. Brett had taken the girls for a drive back to Millicent, so I had the opportunity to walk around the bluffs by myself. 

If only I had a kayak. I could imagine a paddle around to take a closer look, on a calm day.


  1. What stunning photos, and how wonderful is the yellow of the jetty with the water and rocks background...?

    1. It's such a simple landing, but fits right in with the surroundings.

  2. Wow!
    Sounds silly, but the landscape is so different to Victorian beaches! It's so golden. I remember that SA has that different coloured soil and light from previous visits.

  3. Fascinating photographs Alicia! I've never been to anywhere in SA so it's great seeing parts of it through your eyes. What an incredible yellow colour there is to the rocks there, and that cave - so mysterious! I have always had a fascination with caves. It might be all the adventure stories I read as a kid?

  4. It does look very tranquil and I'm so glad you got some 'you time'. Craving a bit of that for myself right now. Happy Monday lovely x

  5. Stunning photos!!! What a beautiful place!

  6. Your photos are amazing Alicia. The colours in the limestone and native flowers looks very inviting. What a wonderful exploration and by yourself. Thank you for sharing part of my birthplace ♥ PS: It dawned on me recently that while I was born in MOUNT Gambier, I now live in MOUNT Martha... interesting! I feel very much at home here too.

  7. Looks gorgeous. I love those succulents what an amazing bush. Julie

    1. I was in awe of those plants growing on top of the caves, in such a rugged place.

  8. You can almost see the shack* that we visit in photo 6 So far we have done one trip this season as 'days off ' and good weather aren't coinciding.

    *owned by ex Millicent residents

  9. That looks awesome!! How good would it be to get in under them in a kayak with your camera. Would make for some excellent photos. I still have not gotten around to starting the My Place in Time prompts and I'm pretty sure it was well over a year ago I said I would! Might have to make it a project for the second half of this year after Tafe finishes.

    1. It's taking me forever to complete, I need to get my backside into gear and get some more crossed of the list. I'm not even sure how many I have yet to do.

  10. WOW!!! Absolutely gorgeous photos! A kayak would have been absolutely perfect to get in their and have a close up of the beautiful caves.

  11. As you say it would be unreal to be at sea level to explore.

  12. You're right, a kayak would be fabulous. I wonder how far under you could go..? would probably be a great fishing spot to. Lovely photos.

  13. Gorgeous! A kayak would be wonderful.

  14. Wow. Those caves are gorgeous!! What a fun place to explore.

  15. Great photos of this wonderful place on the coast!

  16. Wonderful photos of what appears to be a very cool slice of coastline. I'd love to see it in person someday. Thank you for hosting!


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