
Monday, December 29, 2014

Biding my time with gardening and art

As I gardened yesterday morning, I had thoughts of some smug little bastard looking down on me, smiling and nodding, all Mr Miyagi like. He'd be all happy I was learning some patience. Not that I need teaching. I think hubby needs that lesson. The lesson for me was to slow down, to live in the present, I am sure of it.

You can't get more down to earth and living in the present that doing some gardening. I deadheaded roses and cut back some perennials that had had their moment in the sun. Their flashy show of colour. Instead of wishing my present away, waiting for the keys to our new holiday house, I was tending to the house we already had. A garden that needed tending to, before it is neglected in the excitement, of a new house, that will steal our attention for a while.

I have been busy making my own art to hang at Casa Pelicano. We really can't afford to go all out and buy all the stuff. I have seen the stuff, even pinned it. I've just gone out and made it myself, for much less. It's the only way I can have said stuff!

I bought two canvases, two picture frames, brushes and paint for $23, from the cheap shop. A sheet of MDF for $10, and learnt to use(not very well) hubby's jig saw. 

The two canvases

The two frames with free chalkboard printables

rainbow fish made with old wood offcuts, painted and glued to a sheet of MDF.

A pelican for the front door and a sign for kitchen

I am suitably impressed with myself, even though they are not perfect, they are me. They are folk arty, like the way peasants have decorated their homes for centuries.  I like them and that is all that matters. 


  1. Those signs look fantastic Alicia!! I can't wait to see the new place. I would love a beach house. I will just have to be content to rent them however. Happy New Year too!

  2. I love the signs Alicia and you're so much more creative than me being able to make them yourself. I've loved seeing your creations pop up on IG.

  3. I think they look fantastic!!! Great job and something to be proud of! Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

  4. You have done a great job with the art work.

  5. WOW, you should be very proud of your artworks. That fish is exceptional and looks relatively easy to make. So lovely to be out in the garden and not stuck inside with all the boring housework!

  6. I am suitably impressed too! They all look great

  7. I love the composition of wood fish !!!

  8. I am impressed not only a great gardener but also a budding artist.


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