
Monday, November 17, 2014

Muddy puddles and snow balls - birthday nibbles

My girls turned the ripe old ages of three and five, a week ago. 

Summer wanted a Frozen cake, and Isabel, a Peppa Pig cake. 

Isabel's cake was easy. I made the same cake she had for her third birthday. At first she asked for a Barbie cake, and then changed her mind and wanted Peppa Pig. 

Summer's cake was a square chocolate cake, covered with buttercream icing and edged with white chocolate. I did order Frozen figurines for this cake, but they never arrived from China in time. Of course, a month later they are still not here. 

I did find these 3D printable dolls from this fab website. They did the job and aren't too hard to put together. It's the cutting out that is the hard bit.

Seeing it was a joint Frozen(slash)Peppa Pig party I also made some absolutely delicious nibbles to go with the theme.

The snowballs, were made from the cut off pieces of cake, left over after cutting out the Peppa Pig cake. 

I crumbled the cake, and then added coconut milk. Add the coconut milk a bit at a time, until the cake crumbs can be moulded into a ball and hold that shape. 

I refrigerated the balls while I melted white chocolate in the microwave at 50%. Then coated the balls, sprinkling with dessicated coconut and then leaving them to set on baking paper in the fridge. I used a skewer to hold the balls while I dunked them in the chocolate. Chuck the chocolate back in the microwave if I starts to get less runny while you are on the job. 

You could use any type of cake, any type of liquid. Think fruitcake and grog(hick!), or chocolate cake and orange juice. Banana cake and coconut milk. OMG. You could use other types of chocolate too. 

I found this recipe on Taste for these little fellas. I left out the fellas bit, and just made the biscuit and chocolate bit. I even heard one of the dads comment on how 'wicked' the muddy puddles were. They were pretty awesome!

I didn't have the right tray, but just put the biscuits in the oven on a flat tray and then moulded them, cupped in my tea towelled hand and making a bowl shape with my fingers. Not hard, but oh so yummy.



  1. Alicia your cakes are amazing! Where can I find the recipe for Peppa?! I will be needing this one. How lovely that your girls have their birthdays at the same time. Makes it a little easier to conquer both events at once too. X


      This is the link to the recipe I used for the peppa pig, some instruction on how I made it and a link to the peppa pig template.
      It is very handy to get the girls birthdays out the way in one go. Not sure how that is going to pan out when they get older.

  2. Too cute! I think you did an excellent job - you must have been very proud of yourself....My teen just had a party and I paid for a gamers lounge and gave him money to buy Hungry Jacks for all his friends...hmmmmm

    1. You are one cool mum. Sounds perfect for a teens birthday :)

  3. How gorgeous are those cakes!!
    Love the theme ideas for parties but must be hard to come up with ideas!? You are so creative!

  4. Awesome job done on those cakes! Bummer those Frozen figurines didn't arrive in time (will they ever arrive?) - but great save with your alternative! I still remember the cakes my mother made for me (my favourite was a maypole cake my mum made) so your girls will have some lovely cakes to remember from their childhood :-) Min x

    1. I actually like the challenge of making birthday cakes. It makes me wonder what they will ask for next year. I will have to allow more than a month for anything to come from China next time.

  5. Love the Peppa Pig cake!! Clever girl :)

  6. Love your energy and creativity, Alicia!

  7. Oh wow those snowballs sound amazing, might be something I could do for Xmas, my one and only surprise treat! Ha ha. Happy belated birthday to your lovelies.. x

  8. That peppa pig cake is too cute!!

  9. Your cakes are amazing! I can see why Izzy would want the Peppa one twice! Boo that the figurines didn't turn up, but the 3D printables are fabulous!

  10. Love the Peppa Pig cake!! Very cute.


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