
Friday, November 21, 2014

Mud cake muffins

These should be called McFatty Fat cakes. Or Mudguts Muffintops. They are so good, and I ate too many *hangs head in shame*. My name is Alicia, and I am a chocoholic. As I've aged my preference has shifted to dark chocolate, probably why I love these so much.

Mud cake muffins sounds much better. 

If you're a recovering chocoholic, I suggest you call your support person. You're going to need them. With almost a whole block of wonderful dark chocolate, these muffins are irresistable.

Mud cake muffins

175 grams butter
175 grams dark chocolate, broken up 
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
3 eggs, beaten
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup plain flour, sifted with the cocoa
2 Tablespoons cocoa
1/4 cup milk

Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

Melt butter and chocolate in the microwave on 50% for 30 second increments, or in a saucepan on a medium heat.

Place chocolate mixture in a large mixing bowl. 

Add sugar and stir to dissolve the sugar to get out any lumps.

Add eggs and vanilla and beat well.

Stir in flour and cocoa, then the milk.

Place cases into a 12 hole muffin tin. Fill* cases with cake mixture and bake for 25 minutes.

I've frosted with chocolate buttercream icing and sprinkles.

*This recipe uses plain flour so the cakes will not rise in the paper cases.

Try some green icing and christmas themed sprinkles to bring these into the christmas season. (I know I may just get Batman slapped for even mentioning the C word in November)

It will be here all too soon and I am in no way prepared. What I do know, after hosting the family last year, and travelling the year before, I just want to relax and let the holidays just float by, as much as possible. No stress. NO commitments. We'll see how that pans out!

Help! I'm stuck!
Linking with Ann for Things I know.


  1. Oh heavens! I am partial to dark chocolate these days too. They look so good. Who cares about the calories - tis the season to be jolly, right? We'll worry about the calories in January! x

  2. They look awesome! Send one over here!

  3. I really can't do dark chocolate - it's too intense for me. But I'm sure these could be improved (for me anyway!) with milk chocolate instead ;)

  4. Oh I so love Mud cake, its my all time favorite...but no sugar at the moment so I am going to pretend I did not see that so very yummy recipe!!!
    OH and yeah Xmas, so not ready for it....can we skip it altogether this year?

  5. Oh my they look so yummy!! Could use some of them about now

  6. I am so over you and your delicious recipes. I am trying to be good for the next few weeks and now all I can think of are these bloody good looking cupcakes.
    We have to travel on Chrissy day which I am not overly happy about as once again I will be the stinkin designated driver. I dream of a quiet no bull dust Christmas.


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