
Wednesday, November 5, 2014


This photo was taken by Julie from Simply Joolz. She had her house open for halloween and emailed it to me later on. Kind.

The girls had a ball, we were out for a little over an hour, driving around, in and out of the car. They still have goodies in their buckets.

Summer has just started riding her bike. She rode for the first time, to the playground. It was a beautiful day and I need to find a backpack I can use, now I don't have the pram to chuck all the stuff in!

Wordless Wednesday


  1. You know I haven't even considered how I would lug all the stuff if I didn't have the pram! Hopefully I've still got a year or two to figure that out. Love the Halloween pic, but Halloween itself scares the crap out of me - not a fan of people dressing up as scary things and roaming the streets in the dark. Can you tell I don't like horror movies?

    1. It's daylight saving here, we finished up about 7:15 and it was still daylight! Horror movies creep me out too. I used to get creeped out watching X files when I was a single mum years ago!

  2. I remember having to go without the pram. What about the few things you grab at the shop on the way home, water bottles etc etc. Bet she loves being more independent on her bike.

    1. I am thinking baskets on the bikes for water bottles. This will save me the extra weight! I know, the storage at the bottom of the pram was perfect for shopping, especially a bottle of wine!

  3. How fun is Halloween with the little ones. I took my girl for the first time this year, she had a ball. Still eating all the lollies. So exciting when they can start riding a bike on their own. x

    1. It was so exciting when she started riding on her own. She cracks it if I try and help her out! Halloween is fun, when they have fun too.

  4. Lovely to see your little ones enjoying life!

  5. I love those beautiful costumes for Halloween! Great colors!

  6. Fabulous photos Alicia! A big hi to Joolz :)

  7. What great photos, we got into Halloween big time also! Bike riding does wonders for their confidence I reckon, we need to get Mr 3 on his!

  8. Very sweet images! Halloween is so much fun! I went all out this year and made a big effort for the kids. They had a great time. Wow, your little one is riding a bike! X

  9. Very cute pumpkin and witches.
    Once they get wheels there is no stopping them.
    Thanks for linking up last week - I am on double catch up today.


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