
Monday, October 13, 2014

Passionate about protecting the Limestone Coast

Passion is a word that's been bandied around a lot lately, and I can totally see why. 

We've been in Robe over the weekend. I've been dead quiet on the social web, because no wifi, well not any free wifi anyway. Isn't that a bummer.

I just think wonderful small towns like this would benefit from having a free wifi hotspot. Imagine that free wifi as free advertising for the towns seaside charm, great dining and shopping. It equals tourists, economy boosting visitors to the fabulous Limestone Coast.

 Maybe it's just me being miffed, that I can't afford the extra costs to run my phone on wifi when I'm not at home. 

On Saturday we came across a gathering of locals and community leaders, the first in South Australia, to declare their community 'gasfield free'. A stand against unconventional gas mining and fracking in the Limestone Coast. 

A man stood, quite emotional, as he spoke. He was passionate. Passionate about keeping our area fracking free. Passionate about his community. 

We need passionate people. Passionate people are leaders. Passionate people get things done. They make noise. They share their passion, until other people start to care, to become passionate too. 

I love our coastline. It is fabulous. 

I love our farmlands. They are fabulous, precious. Beautiful. 

I love this land of ours. I do believe it is worth protecting from contamination. It is worth protecting for our future generations, locals and visitors alike,  of our gorgeous part of the world. 

Have you heard of the 'Lock the gate' campaign?



  1. I think no wifi sounds like a blessing there! Thank goodness for passionate people too.

    1. I just would have love to be able to share with all of you xx I should have had the point and shoot camera out, there is a lesson learnt for me.

  2. We saw it in Byron a few years back - it might have helped because that mine got canned, I think...also I think it's good to have no wifi when away - then there's no temptation to bring it all with you...

    1. That is right Lydia. I think I would have been distracted from really enjoying the 'now', and bringing the internet with me xx

  3. Yes there's a sign similar to that around my parents little rural part of the woods. Passionate people make the world go around, I'm glad people are fighting for your area! Have a great day x

  4. I've seen the lock the gate campaign on tv before, not sure if it was for that particular area though.

  5. Totally agains oil tracking and love the lock your gate campaign. It is wrong that the government claims that land owners only own the soil and not whats below.

    1. Even though I live in town, I am tempted to put a 'lock the gate' sign on my fence line.

  6.   Yes, I think that's what's worrying now, care of the environment!

  7. An important cause :)
    Have a great week, and thanks for hosting!

  8. I think there are a few communities around involved in lock the gate or something similar. It makes me sad, the thought of beautiful and productive areas being changed for future generations. I sometimes like getting away from all the technology but wifi in an area certainly is a people booster.

  9. Fracking scares me and the consequences of it 20-50 years down the track. Especially because a lot of our water is in underground aquafirs. I have seen a bit about the Lock the Gate on the 7.30 report and God Love em!! he he... The world needs more passionate people....

    1. It is a worry about what is seeping into our groundwaters, we have so many aquifers around our area, and our bore only goes about thirty feet down. It is the water I use for the garden, for the veggie patch.

  10. I love going to places I know I have no phone reception, switching off is as important as switching on sometimes.
    I am not a fan of any of the fracking, coal seam gas etc. Bad news all around.

  11. If it wasn't for passionate people, this world would be in far more of a disarray.
    I hadn't heard of the Lock The Gate campaign, so thank you for brining it to our attention.


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