
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hello from Greece! A postcard.

My place in time #62 - Postage stamps from another country

A postcard from Greece arrived this week. It has taken a couple of months to get to us, but it made it!

It's from my niece Bonnie, and her husband Ben. You might remember the post, where I featured their summer solstice wedding, late last year.

In February of this year, they flew overseas to do some travelling, and working. They are both school teachers, and have just started living and working in England. The school year has just started after the english summer holidays.

Totes off skew, but did you know, if you wrote 'apple pie' a couple of times over any text you didn't want anyone to see, it makes it illegible? Try it with your own handwriting #hottip :)
I learnt that from Lauren Newton, on the Bert Newton show years ago! There's proof, that show wasn't a complete waste of air space! Besides Bert is a TV legend!

You can totally see why she is such a great lower primary teacher. It was such a joy to read this to Izzy and Summer. She did an epic job in writing this postcard so they could appreciate and understand it. I can't wait to see them both again. We will have to wait a whole year!

So today I know a little more about greek donkeys, and Santorini. 

Trying to book accommodation in the hills of Adelaide this weekend, I know there is a pedal prix in Murray Bridge! I know there are lots of weddings on around the hills, bugger all accommodation, the cheapish kind anyway!

But accommodation we have, nice too, and not too pricey. I know that I am going to love perusing other peoples amazing gardens, with my mum and my daughters(they love it too). It's been so long since I have been away without my husband in tow. I am SO going to enjoy the break! Hopefully with lots of photos to show you.

Fingers crossed the house is clean when I get home. Brett's beloved Port are in the semi finals and I hope he doesn't have too much planned! I do hope Port Power beat Hawthorn though, and I know if they do, next weekend is going to be HUGE.

We miss you too!

Help! I'm stuck!
Joining in with things I know :)


  1. I love receiving post card. The only snail mail we get these days is bills! Thanks for the #hottip on the apple pie :)

    Have a great break and I can't wait to see the fab photos you take :)

    1. A postcard this bright and cheerful was much needed. I am so with you on the bills, it is awesome to get something but!

  2. Replies
    1. I'd love to go over and see it for myself one day, it does look beautiful.

  3. I love sending postcards!!
    Hope you enjoyed a fab weekend away!!
    Go the swans!!


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