
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Eggplant and chickpea curry

I am loving my veggie curry right now.  I'm really enjoying learning about and using more spices.

This recipe is very similar to the curry I took to an indian potluck recently.

I've been making a point of buying and trying out new vegetables. Eggplant has been one of those, and I always, always have a can of chickpeas in the pantry.

Eggplant and chickpea curry

1 tablespoon oil
1 tablespoon butter/marg
2 cloves garlic, minced
3/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cardamon
1 1/2 tsp cumin
3/4 tsp turmeric
2 tsp ground ginger(or 1 tsp fresh finely grated)
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper(or 1/4 tsp if you don't want it too hot)

2 onions sliced
4 tomatoes, chopped
1/2 a cauli, cut into florets
1 can chick peas, drained and rinsed
1 eggplant, cut into 2cm cubes
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 cup water

Heat oil and butter. Add garlic and spices, cook on low for 1 minute.
Add onions and saute for 3 minutes.
Add rest of ingredients, cover and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

  • replace cauli with 1 sliced carrot
  • use 1 cup of beans or peas instead of chick peas
  • replace eggplant with two cubed potatoes 
  • if you don't want the heat, use paprika instead of cayenne pepper.


  1. I adore chic peas and lentils, thanks for the recipe x

    1. I am loving lentils right now too. I love trying out new things and tastes.

  2. This sounds both delicious and healthy! I love all those ingredients so will be trying this very soon. :)

  3. This sounds delicious. I would go for the milder version as I know my toddlers would love this too. Thank you for linking up with us for Fabulous Foodie Fridays. Have a lovely weekend :)

  4. I love a good curry too. This one looks like a winner.

  5. Yum! Just pinned your recipe! I'll come back and review when I'll give it a try.


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