
Monday, June 2, 2014

The house of sick

I've been knocked over with the sick. In fact, all of us in the last week have been knocked for six with sick. I am just a bit over it. A fine welcome to winter.

I noted yesterday, about lunch time, that while Brett, Izzy and I were crook, Summer was happy, singing, dancing and full of beans. 

By tea time she was tired, hot and fell asleep before she had any dinner. We were at mums. On the way home, to dose her up on Panadol, she spewed all over herself and the car seat. She fell asleep straight away. I armed myself with disinfectant and cleaned the car.

She spewed because of the fever. Thankfully it is not gastro. We have been so lucky in this household, that gastro hasn't taken hold, yet. Apparently it's going around.

Double thankful, that Brett and I got a night away on Friday amidst the sickness. We had a nice night out at an Egyptian restaurant and a motel stay in Mt Gambier. We didn't end up seeing a movie, opted for the heated pool and spa! 
Motel room selfie, fighting fit!

We've all just had a cold. It just affects all of us differently. Of course Brett seems to have contracted it in it's deadliest form.

Mine is all in my sinuses.

Izzys was in her chest, coughing and stubborn phlegm.

It seems to have hit Summer like a ton of bricks. Poor mite, I do hope she wakes up happy.

I decided to make some flu killer soup for lunch yesterday. I am hopeful the four onions, six garlic cloves, three hot chillies, cumin, turmeric, ground coriander and a knob of ginger are enough to fight it. I used some leftover BBQ chicken, a small head of broccoli(and the stalk chopped up) with a couple of mushrooms.  It really wasn't bad soup.

Hoping you don't have to make it actually!


  1. What a mixed weekend you had! So lovely that you got to have a night away but how sucky that you are all sick :(
    Hope you are all on the mend and feeling better soon..

    1. Summer and I are feeling better today. I think the flu has finally gone.

  2. Glad you still got to enjoy the weekend away - that's the worst when everyone gets sick!

    1. I really enjoyed the night away. Loved the egyptian food. I can say that the flu has finally left the building!

  3. I am coming back to comment properly but the sperm donation ad at the top just made me spit coffee out!! I am so childish!!

    1. I so hope you all get better soon.
      I am waiting for sickness to hit our house. There is so much going around but so far just a few sniffly noses here. I have stocked up on tissues etc in preparation.
      Your soup sounds divine.

    2. Even that sperm ad weirded me out too lol!
      The soup made my nose run and I breathed in at the wrong moment and those chillies took my breath away!
      I hope you avoid the sickness. It was flu or gastro going around, so glad it wasn't gastro. We have been pretty lucky with that so far :)

  4. As much as I love Winter, I also hate the fact that it brings the sickness with it. Fingers crossed we haven't had it greet us yet and I think the last two years my little one has been sick enough to cover for the next five years with a visit to hospital. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if I get sick because I really don't look after myself very well, I need to start taking my own advice I think. I hope you all get better soon!

    1. I seriously think it's the change in the weather that brings it on. I am fully expecting for us to be sick again when the days start getting warmer, it always seems to happen then too.

  5. Yes, we are having a fine start to Winter today too. I have 2 sick kids home and they are all home anyway as our car is being serviced today so I cannot take them to school anyway!
    I hope it all passes quickly. I dread each Winter, especially since pneumonia last year! I am always scared of what I am going to develop!
    That soup looks as if it would ward off most ails and I will be looking into it :D.

    1. You would think that soup would get rid of any ails. I am only feeling better today, Summer too.
      Pneumonia does not sound like much fun at all. Hopefully it doesn't revisit you this winter xx

  6. I love a fighting soup when we are sick. It is both healing and comforting. Hope all get better soon.

  7. Sorry to hear the household have all been unwell...that sure is a great killer soup Alicia :)

    1. I am hoping it works a treat. I had it for lunch and dinner today!

  8. Oh no, you poor things. Hope everyone's on the mend soon. They will be with that soup!

    1. It was so hot and spicy I didn't give it to the kids. It made my lips hot and made my nose run. It temporarily unblocked the sinuses, but didn't fix me up straight away. This was the flu and had to let it run it's course.

  9. Can I say that you actually look bloody lovely in that pic despite all the sickness surrounding you! Get well soon everyone x

    1. Oh thank you Em, you're a doll to say so. Summer has been miserable all week, and we've only got better in the last couple of days. So glad to be feeling better.


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