
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The car I do own

My place in time #65 - The car I do own

I will wait while you get the Ford jokes out the way.

*Found On Rubbish Dump
*Fixed Or Repaired Daily
*The majority of Fords are still on Australian roads, some even made it home.
*Found in Rednecks driveway

I was once told by someone that the 2005 Falcon is a good model so these may be more appropriate 

*For Only Real Drivers
*First On Race Day
*Fastest on Race Day

Whatever your perception, I know that this little beauty, needs less maintenance, and is more neglected than hubbys Commodore and just keeps going!

The girls washed my car on Monday.

Seconds after this shot, I had to get out the way too!

Yesterday, while Izzy was at kindy, Summer helped me collect rocks for a garden bed around their cubby house. We went down a side track in the pines looking for rocks, only to hit the rock jackpot!

The scab on her nose is healing after she face planted at the playground last week.

Working hard collecting rocks. 
Do you have an alliance with Ford or Holden?
What was your first car?
Mine was a Royal Purple Datsun. After that I'd only had Holdens, and an amazing Mitsusquishi Magna, that was sports kitted and I loved it.

This Ford was firstly owned by the Wattle Range Council, purchased from our local Ford dealer, Mac Ford. Then my mum owned it, and now I drive it around.

Wordless Wednesday


  1. I've been a Holden girl forever, even though my parents owned several fords over my childhood. Husband was also a ford lover, until I convinced him we needed a Holden, he's been converted.

    1. Lol, it must feel pretty good to have converted a Ford lover. My parents owned so many different cars! Never a new one, when her and Dad sold their business a few years ago, the first thing she did was bought a brand new Holden Cruze

  2. We've owned both Fords and Holdens. But currently our second car is a Ford.
    Love the rocks!
    Leanne @ Deep Fried Fruit

  3. VW fan here! I love the last photo Alicia, Summer's trackies look adorable :)

    1. There were a couple of kombis for sale down the road, and we thought about it for two seconds. We laughed about how cool it would be to own one, but that's as far as that conversation went.

  4. Love the photos. How did the rocks look in the garden?? I have never really been fussy about cars - as long as they get you from A to B xx

    1. They look good. I have put them around the kids cubby house, there's photos of it on Instagram :)

  5. Getting the kids to wash the car is the great part! I'm an A to B girl.

  6. I'm a Ford girl, always have been, but own a Toyota. I love annoying Holden owners that their cars are Just holden together!

  7. I confess I am a total car-whore and have no allegiance to any particular brand, except the one that gets me from Point A to Point B. I currently have a Toyota Corolla which is so uncool Year 8 boys snigger at it (and me by association). These are the same boys who argue, almost to the point of blow, which is best - Holden or Ford!!
    Anyway, my car is BLACK and as such, must be a bit cool!! ;)

    1. Black cars are so cool, kinda makes up for it being a bit woosy lol. I am the same, I am not sure about a type of car until it is mine and it gets me around and I make myself at home in it.

  8. I love that the girls are into washing the car, looks like a lot of fun. I have just made your capsicum sauce, it was yum xxx

  9. I drive a Ford but I have always been a Holden girl and always will be!

  10. Yes, it's really a nice workers who work happily!

    1. She was very happy working away. The rocks weren't overly heavy for her either.

  11. Wouldn't it be nice if we all still enjoyed washing cars that much?

    1. I would probably take it through the car wash for a quick scrub and rinse once every six months!

  12. Ford, Holden, all the same to me - but you've reminded me that the old green Mazda is in dire need of a wash!

    1. My car hardly ever gets a wash! The inside is shocking, no matter how often I pick up the rubbish, there's more in no time to replace it.

  13. Super great the kids were so involved. They love mucking about in water don't they?

    I'm more of Holden girl although I grew up in Fords. My first car was a Commodore :)

    1. MIne love the water, and dirt, and mud. It's getting a bit cold now for too much water play. I used to drive a couple of different Holden Camiras lol. I've never owned a commodore though.

  14. Such good helpers are your girls :)

    And Izzy's little nose.. awww... Poor darling.

    My first car was a baby poo brown laser hatchback.

  15. My 1st was a Hillman HUNTER - then a Ford Laser.
    I learnt to drive a FORD Cortina too.

  16. What gorgeous little helpers!!! I don't really car for the make of the car, always seems to be a big rivalry against ford and holden and I havent' owned either! My first car was a little red diahatsu charade and I thought it was the best!!


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