
Friday, May 2, 2014

Learning left and right for kids

Monday little Summer had her first haircut. She's lost her little white blonde curls, they were starting to get frizzy and knotty all the time. 
Looking very serious. She was so good, for a first haircut.

When we turned up at the hairdresser, Amelia was there alone and was still finishing foils, so I ducked across the road to Target.

Izzy needed new sneakers. Being a small, and I mean small, "Country' Target, they had sweet FA in her size at a cheapo price. Instead I bought her a pair of rubber boots, which she needed anyway.

Tuesday morning it pissed down, so she wore them to kindy. Perfick. I did invest in an umbrella for the car too! This was the first wet drop off I had encountered this year, and I wasn't prepared.

She is at the perfect age right now to start learning her right foot from left. So I have written the letter 'L' and 'R' on them.

I've written them on her hands too, and shown her how her left hand makes a letter L shape that she can match up on her boots. I can't remember who told me this trick, but it is genius. 

You can even make the backward 'C' shape of the top part of the letter R with your right hand! I've yet to teach her that the right hand makes a letter L on your her forehead, for LOSER, maybe later ;)

I did notice yesterday at gymnastics, the coach was getting them to learn left from right too. I should have let her in on this trick, it did cross my mind.


  1. Wow - that's very organised...I never did it with any of mine (but then I still sometimes mix them up - usually in a zumba class...)

    1. I get mixed up too, still. Usually when I have to give directions to someone!

  2. Oh what a neat trick! Thanks for sharing this. My daughter gets mixed up sometimes still :P

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. It seems to have helped Izzy. I am tempted to start drawing Ls on all her shoes!

  3. That is an awesome idea to write it on their shoes and hand! I wrote it on the shoe and just told her that her left makes the L.

  4. I need to teach my daughter this. She usually gets it right when putting her shoes on but wouldn't correlate where left or right is.

  5. Bloody hell. That is genius! I'm definitely going to do this. Thank you :)

  6. I use this L with my hand thing, and VERY tempted at times to use the loser but I hold my tongue, there'll be enough of that when they're older :)

    1. Yeah I have restrained myself from showing Izzy that one. I don't want her going round losering people!

  7. When I was a little girl I had a freckle on my left hand. That was the only way I could tell my left from right. I think I told my kids to find something unique on one hand as well. Summer is so cute:)

    1. Oh thanks Pinky for saying Summer is cute. It's in her big blue eyes.

  8. Oh, great idea on writing on the boots! We play "which way's left? Which way's right?" with the boys in the car. Most of the time they get it right. Luckily we don't get lost too often :)

  9. My boy always has his shoes on the wrong feet no matter what I do! I haven't tried the L with his hands though yet. Should give that a go.

    1. I am sure most kids are walking around with their shoes on the wrong foot! I find Izzy asks me quite often whether they are on the right foot.

  10. Thanks for the tips. So far we're still at the stage of getting our toddler to distinguish which shoe goes on which foot. I marked a little arrow on each shoe and told him he needs to make them point to each other... so doing the 'L' and 'R' would be the next step. I use the trick of using my thumb and forefinger to make the letter 'L' to remind me which side is left too!


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