
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Oh, How things have changed!

How do these make you feel?
Like kicking an advertising exec in the goolies?


  1. Haha wow things have changed. Obviously these show a different time and ideal, aren't you glad it has changed.

    1. Oh so glad, and amazed with what my grandmother had to deal with ad wise back in the day.

  2. They did encourage mothers to drink Guiness or any other brand of stout - couldn't stand the stuff!
    I loathed those 'husbands know best', and the household appliance ads as well as any that belittled women - they still appear today (check out Mother's Day catalogues)

    1. A lactation nurse actually told my sister to have a small glass of stout in the afternoon to boost her milk. It's the yeast I think. Yes, I was thinking when I saw the kenwood ad, that he would get a black eye in return!

    2. Yet looking at that wording I jokingly say - change tyres, that's what I ave a man for. Maybe (even at my age) I'm guilty of sexism too lol

  3. omg wow and everyone complains how bad things are today. Pot kettle black people.

  4. What the what?!!! How grateful I am that I wasn't around in those days!

  5. OMG how things have changed. I did have a good chuckle at many of those and strangely thought about my mother. :)

  6. Amazing how advertising has been used over the years. I wonder what we will say about our era of advertising in the future.

  7. Wow, it made me feel sick. How lucky we are today, or think we are until our advertisements are shown to our great grand children. Wonder what they will be horrified about?

  8. Yes, fortunately the role of women has changed a lot and this benefits us all!

  9. Where did you find these? They are great! Love how they said woman not women!!! Obviously a man wrote them! I've seen a few of these when I did TV/Media Studies at Uni in 96' - wow that does seem a long time ago xx

    1. My sister sent me them in an email. There were more of the same sort of stuff. Just imagine being a woman and a mother back then. Booze, cocaine, fags, a gut full of worms and all perfectly the norm! The media would have a field day these days!

  10. Hilarious but woeful. Ads are still misleading people but they are criminal.
    Hops is supposed to be good for BF.

  11. Oh my God Alicia! Where on earth did you find these? I thought I was extremely shocked by the first one and then it went worst and worst! Too weird! It was another world!
    By the way, thanks so much for cheering up on Fb for my citizenship exam!

  12. I always enjoy looking at old vintage ads like these. They would all sound completely off the bat if they were promoted exactly like that today. That cola ad for babies is really unbelievable!


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