
Saturday, February 8, 2014


Life with these two little girls revolves around their well oiled imaginations.

There's lions in the garden. Big pink frogs are coming, as big as Izzy can stretch her arms. I imagine them too, as if reading a book, where characters and places come alive. It's like we've always known them, all it took was to start to read the words. "Orange frogs too"!, Summer exclaims, putting in her two cents worth.

Crocodiles in the bedroom, worth screaming the length of the hallway over. I sound equally as shocked that there are reptiles in the house.

I must jump onto blankets laid on the floor, to avoid the sharks, swimming in the lino, "Get in the boat Mum!".

Not to mention the shop in the loungeroom. I often drive there in my imaginary car, buy imaginary milk and bread. Izzy makes me a delicious imaginary coffee, and we lick imaginary icecreams, all paid for with imaginary money.

I love it when I am told to sush, because Izzys 'babies' are sleeping on the beanbag, I apologize profusely, as I tiptoe out of the room. She also has this thing where I have to be Kyle Sanderlands, ask how old she is, ask what her name is and what she is going to show me. I then say, "That sounds fabulous, whenever you're ready", at what point she proceeds to put on a hula hooping show, and I gush about how fabulous she is. It pleases her no end.

Life with these two girls, with their well oiled imaginations is never boring, always funny and wonderful to witness.

How does imagination roll at your house? 

Joining in with Zanni at Sunshine Sundays


  1. Believe it or not, Alicia, but we regularly have dinosaurs in our house!!! And crocodiles ;) I absolutely loved this post and the way you get involved in your kids' adventures. Sounds like awesome fun at your house :)

    1. It hard not be involved, I can not ever imagine not fostering or smothering the great imaginations they have.

  2. I love it when you get told off for stepping on something that isn't there or being too noisy and waking up the sleeping (insert whatever thing it is that day). The funniest, however, is when you try to play along and talk to the invisible thing, only to be told there is nothing there and you're talking to an empty corner...

  3. Sounds fabulous Alicia! I love that you play along. Such great fun. Especially that Kyle Sanderlands skit. How do they come up with these things? :) Thanks so much for linking up for #sunshinesundays! x

    1. I think she may have watched too many X Factor auditions!! Thanks for having me xx

  4. Haha, I love that you have to be Kyle! They sure keep us smiling, don't they? x

    1. I do try to sound like him, I'm just a little bit less 'honest'. :)

  5. Haha I love this! We regularly have dragons and sharks at our house. Ghosts seem to feature quite regularly too thanks to Scooby Doo!

  6. I try to sound scared out of my pants. We haven't had ghosts yet! :)

  7. Oh what a trip their little minds can take you on. Love it !


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