
Monday, February 17, 2014

Camping weekend - #openslather

Friday, not long after lunch, after Brett had knocked off work, we headed off on a short trip to the Glenelg River.

Just over the Victorian border, lies the Lower Glenelg National Park. We stayed at Wilson Hall campground. It has a boat ramp, a jetty landing, a great flushing toilet block and 12 good camping sites. If you want to be close to the toilets, book a site from 1 to 8. If you want to be closer to the river book sites 9 to 12. 

No one saw any snakes, we saw a dead one, that a previous camper had obviously killed, it was in bits, laying next to a tree. So be warned, they are about in Summer.

The campgrounds are in the middle of dense bush, it was dry and dirty. Despite the dirt, we had a great weekend.

Brett cooking breaky in the camp kitchen. His camp shower in the background to the right.

All is good with the world, when Summer has Giggle Asaurus and a drink.

'I'm king of the world'

We stopped up river at the Princess Margaret Rose caves for a picnic lunch. We didn't have a cave tour, but got big pencils and ice cream from the shop. (You'll see Brett having a little
lay down on the bench behind the girls).

Stopped on the way back for some fishing

What is a campfire without marshmallows?


  1. That looks like great fun and definitely can't have a fire without marshmallows.

  2. That looks like our kinda holiday :) Love the camper trailer! Beautiful scenery too.

    1. No camper trailer Kaz, just a kmart(Stockman weekender)2 room tent we have hardly ever used. The last time was about 5 years ago! It's a beauty though and does the job perfectly.

  3. What a great spot and a great set up. I absolutely love camping and would love to do what you've done every now and then, just pack the car and go to a nice spot. Oh and marshmallows are a must! We also do bananas with marshmallows and chocolate, cover them in foil and put them on the hot plate. Absolutely delicious!

    1. Oooh. That sounds good, I'll have to remember that one. Made a pizza a bit like that with a cream cheese base once :)

  4. What a lovely getaway. Looks like the girls enjoyed themselves :)

  5. You lost me at dead snake!! Looks lovely. Great pics. Will be back later to read the other linkers!!

    1. Yes, every trip to the loo I was keeping a wary look out for a dreaded snake! Thank god I didn't see one.

  6. Looks like you had a fun time...your girls are adorable :)

  7. Looks like you had an awesome trip. We just went camping, too, and it rained the whole time!

  8. What a fun getaway! Your girls look like they had plenty of fun. I'm not a fan of camping, but I love looking at photos of people on their camping adventures. ;P
    Adeline /

  9. What a great spot and the girls look in their element, mine LOVE playing with camp fires. x


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