
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Beating the Mozzies (Para'Kito review + Giveaway)

You wouldn't believe it, but a neighbouring towns' footy team are called the Mozzies. They do pretty well and have a proud and loyal following, as with most country footy teams. Being so popular and successful brings much animosity, nothing brings more satisfaction to opposing teams than beating the Mozzies.

This post is not all about local footy, but the annoying little buggers that buzz about on hot summer nights, leaving us with itchy welts and slapping ourselves. The dreaded mosquito.

I was introduced to the Para'Kito mosquito repellant, and I am quite impressed and am loving having it at my disposal.

They come as a wristband, which can be worn on the ankle, as Summer did at a recent garden wedding we attended. I did hear one guest saying she was being attacked, and was at ease in the knowledge that Summer was protected, and rightly so, she had not one mozzie bite. Usually she will have several and they come up in welts, they love her.

There's also a clip that holds the repellant pellet. It's handy for the nappy bag, which is always nearby when we go out, the pram or clipped to belt loops.

Each pellet is infused with seven essential oils, are totally natural, waterproof and suitable for pregnant women and children. 

I have no qualms about putting them on the girls when they are outside and even leave them on their bed heads at night to keep the mozzies at bay. So far, so good. 

I must say that there was a day or two, after the 15 days that the pellets last for, that I noticed the girls have a mozzie bite each, and it was straight out with a new pellet and there hasn't been a mozzie bite since.

It was invaluable on our recent caravan trips, protecting the girls and us from mozzie bites while we played outside and slept at night.

You can see the products, purchase or check for local stockists in your area at the Para'Kito website, and find them on Facebook.

You have the opportunity to get your own Para'Kito pack to protect your family too. The prize consists of -

  • 2 Para'Kito Wristbands valued at $24.95 each
  • 2 Para'Kito clips valued at $24.95 each
  • 1 Replacement pellet pack valued at $15.95
That's a total prize value of $115.75!! Pretty cool. 

Just answer the question - Where are you likely to use the Para'Kito?, via rafflecopter. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'll definitely use it when we head out to the parks and playgrounds. Too many pesky mosquitoes lurking around there.

  2. This would have been ideal for my son a couple of years ago
    We were camped by the river and son was in an open swag, unbeknown to us the mossies had a feast on him during the night. We stopped counting the bites at 108. The next night he slept in the double swag with me while DH slept in the single that was well sprayed with insect repellent.

  3. They sound awesome, I am gonna have to get some. Punky gets absolutely mauled some nights as hers is the first bedroom after the bathroom. We leave the bathroom door open with the light on for when we have to get up to the girls in the night, and the window in there is the only one that stays open and I am pretty sure that is where they come from when they come in. I would hang one on Punky's bed to try and save her poor skin (and blood!). #teamIBOT

  4. Oh this is fabulous! I have always been attacked by mosquitoes (people are happy to have me around as they are left alone then) and my girls seem to be the same. I would use these on an upcoming camping trip we are planning - we are new to family camping and our trip last year had us 3 covered in bites and scratches/scars from all the itching! i love the clips as well! thanks for the heads up on this product

  5. Oh I would love to try these! I would use them at the kids school. In the wet season the mozzies are awful, and they often come home with yucky bites.

  6. I'm most likely to use it in my own backyard! I have to always have bug spray on hand because the little buggers absolutely love me. My partner won't get bitten at all and I will come out in massive welts. My legs at the moment are covered in bites that I have scratched the buggery out of.

  7. Sounds silly but when we are outside after dinner and a bath and I want to enjoy some outside time, with a glass of vino in hand and the sun setting, we have heaps of mozzies around dusk, UGH. x

  8. I would use it in fij when we go later in the year! I got eaten alive last time we went!

  9. Nowhere exotic, nowhere unusual... Those Para'Kito goodies are just what we need in our back garden. Evenings BBQs are impossible otherwise.

  10. Exactly what I need! I can't go outside without getting eaten and my kids are the same. I'd use it downstairs in our front garden.

  11. In Japan - you get eaten alive in their bushes no matter what season it is!

  12. I have a six year old daughter who is very allergic to mozzies. The first time she was badly bitten, she swelled up so drastically under her chin that I took her straight to hospital. The skin was also blistering and at first, they thought it was a spider bite, until we found more blistering on her foot, which swelled up twice the size of the other. The nurses then suggested a strong sensitivity to mosquitoes, which was quickly confirmed shortly after, when the same thing kept happening... We now carry antihistamine everywhere, but that doesn't stop the terrible, hard blisters that form and then burst into weeping sores. We have become really paranoid and usually spray her from head to toe in strong repellent, which is a worry in itself... Sometimes, you cannot help her being bitten, of course, as she was today at the swimming pool with her school class... She currently has yet another blister on her arm... We have not tried Para'Kito, but would LOVE to have the chance. It would be absolutely brilliant if we could find a safer and more effective way to protect her.

  13. I'd use it at outdoor dinner parties so everyone else gets bitten...HA!

  14. Our balcony is covered with mosquitoes! We have a pond and live in a shrubby area. We are constantly scratching and year-round too!

  15. Our balcony is covered with mosquitoes! We have a pond and live in a shrubby area. We are constantly scratching and year-round too!

  16. I'll use it at home as everytime we try and sit outside in the evenings we are nearly carried away by the mozzies and end up having to move inside itching and scratching for the rest of the night.

    Regards, Sharon Fawcett

    sharon 7999 at yahoo dot com

  17. This would be wonderful for my kids in the late afternoons as we spend so much time outside & I usually have to perswade them to come in as the mozzies start attacking. Kasey Evans,

  18. These would be terrific for my sons when they stay at their dad's place! As he lives in bushland with a nearby river, they never fail to come home with extremely large welts and in the case of my youngest son, he is constantly irritated by them, they spread to the size of golf balls and I feel terribly bad for him. Topical applications for relieve only do so much, so the ability to stop them biting in the first place is exactly what I have been looking for.

  19. We only have outside time in the evening and unfortunately that is when the mozzies start coming out. We would have a use for these items very regularly. I hate to see the mozzie bites on my little one.

  20. Para'Kito will be used everywhere, the garden, the home and out on our journeys of bushwalking, runs along the beach with the dogs and just in general...

  21. Definitely using them by the pool in the afternoons, that's the worst time and place for pests!

  22. everywhere as we love the outdoors

  23. Perfect for Summer barbeques, which unfortunately mozzies like to gate crash!!


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