
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Summer solstice wedding

The longest day of the year fell on the 21st of December last year. It's the day my niece got married, with Izzy as a flower girl.

It rained all day and stopped about 4pm, right after the ceremony. 

It was memorable, the garden looked beautiful with all the rain, which cleared in the nick of time, so the guests could enjoy the lawn games (and some wine and beer) while we waited for the reception.

I know my wedding day went by in a flash, it doesn't seem silly to get married on the longest day of the year, so you have more minutes to savour it.

Mine was a September wedding, it was a nice sunny day.Who would have thought it would rain almost all day in December! An african friend said it was lucky that it rained.

What month did you get married? How was the weather?

Dropping her flower petals

A neat guest register. Finger prints.

Pinwheels were placed in the garden with names attached.
Find your name, and you'd know which table you were seated at the reception.
I was at the green table.


  1. Very nice photos, delicious and creative compositions with wonderful colors, I really like the pictures of the girls!

    1. They were a bit cute sitting, waiting for the bride to arrive :)

  2. What lovely ideas for a wedding. I love the guest register! The girls looked gorgeous :)

  3. Oh look how divine the venue looked. Magical! You're daughter looks gorgeous. We got married in a beautiful beach side ceremony last February in Sorrento, Victoria. It was 33 degrees, a little too warm. It was the best day ever :)

    1. Almost your anniversary! 33 does sound like a warm one, the beach was probably a good place to get married on a day like that :)

  4. How gorgeous!!!! Our day was in January which I thought would be nice and sunny but was overcast and only stopped raining before the ceremony! I had to try not to slip walking down the aisle as it was a garden wedding. Looks like you had a similar day!

  5. Looks like a beautiful, magical day! I love the giant games, what a fun idea. We were married near the ocean in mid December, it was a lovely warm day with a very blue sky but very gusty - lots of flyaway hair wedding photos in the album!

  6. Oh what a beautiful flower girl! I love the life-size board games too, Connect 4 looks awesome! It rained the day we got married and everyone joked that it was a sign of fertility. We laughed it off as with 4 children, we weren't keen on fertility but sure enough, 9 months and one day after our wedding, baby #5 arrived!

    1. Joke they might of, but I think they were right about the signs! The games were borrowed from the Girl Guides. They had a big snakes and ladders mat for the kids too.

  7. May, in Vanuatu. It rained (sprinkled) just before the ceremony, giving relief from the humidity. Love the flowers above!

    1. A few gardens were raided to fill the mason jars, including mine. They are my La Cabana roses, they make the best and long lasting cut flowers.

  8. I'm not married but if I do get married I would do it in winter. Where I live doesn't really get a winter but the summer is stinking hot so it would be horrid to be in a dress during the humid summer months.

  9. How beautiful! Lovely photos. :-) My parents were married in September, in the afternoon. It was timed so that their wedding photos would have the backdrop of dusk in the botanic gardens. :-D

    1. That sounds beautiful. We went for a short drive to the beach so we could get dusk photos too :)

  10. The wedding looked absolutely dreamy, so many little bits to make the day perfect!
    We got married in September and it was a cool, overcast day and nearly dark when we were taking photos after the ceremony (Uniting Church). Reception at the Community Club with not much thought to decorating it, weddings weren't full on back then (1986). :)

    1. I was married at the Uniting as well, and had my reception at the club! I decorated the tables and had some helium wedding balloons. We went to Canunda and had some photos just before sunset :)

  11. Ohh that looks like such a special fabulous day. I love your photos. That looks like my kind of wedding. It is the little details that make it special. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Looks like it was a really fun and memorable day! We married in May 1990 on what was the Labour Day long weekend here in Queensland - it meant we always had a long weekend for our anniversary UNTIL last year, when they moved it to October - how RUDE!!!!

  13. Wow, there are some beautiful decorating touches there. I love those green windmill thingies (technical term!). We got married in July, which is usually lovely weather here in Brisbane. In the end it was just overcast enough to cause me stress without ever actually raining!

  14. Wow amazing pictures. Its true it is lucky to have rain on your wedding day!!

  15. That's so cool Alicia - some great and novel ideas there - fingerprints, names in vases! Look so awesome and fun. March wedding, nice and overcast so I didn't turn into a sweat betty thankfully! xx

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  17. I always love looking at photos of weddings. Your niece really planned a pretty wedding, I love the look of that flower arrangement. It looks so simply put together, but somehow it comes together so nicely giving that fun, colourful, casual vibe to the event.


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