
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Nannas chickens

My mums recently acquired a few chickens.

Minnie, who came all the way from Gippsland at christmas time in a cat carrier, in my sisters LandCruiser. My nephews had raised it and is quite tame. They even let it out to stretch it's legs along the way!

Minnie was being attacked by the other chooks and they were happy to leave her with Mum and Dad. To tell the truth, Mum and Dad were becoming quite attached and charmed by her. She's just started laying eggs for them. 

Mum bought a couple little chicks a couple weeks ago too, the girls love to go see them when we drop in. The chicks are getting a bit harder to catch now they are bigger! Izzy would catch one, let Summer pat it and then place it in the nest, only for it to run out again.

They'd chase them all day if I let them, and it's tempting to close the chook yard door and walk away ;)

This chook house even has a kitchen sink. Where Minnie lays her one egg a day. 

Trying to convince the little buggers to come out, while the little chickens run away!

I took these photos on Monday. I went to see Mum and Dad today and something had taken the baby chickens, they think it was a fox. What ever it was ate one of Minnies eggs too, just left the shell. Minnie looked lonely.

Dad sounded a bit sad and sorry about losing the chickens, I think they were growing on him. I am sure he was disappointed for the girls, it bought him so much joy watching them try to catch them. They'll have to make the house more secure before they get some more.

Izzy kept asking where the fox was, even though I'd said the chickens got out and run away. Kids have big ears and cotton on quick to adult conversations.

I'd like to think that whatever the fox says, it sounds like he's choking on a chicken bone! :)

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  1. Lovely - we house sat a house with chickens and the kids were beside themselves. We had to check for eggs twice a day, and let them out - then the kids would madly round them up. I wouldn't mind getting some here but partner says no :(

    1. My hubby tried to talk me out of it, I was determined. Plus I was offered a hen house ;)

  2. Beautiful pics. My kids and I would love chickens but living in an apartment precludes us from keeping them (though at least they'd be safe from predators... except for the aforementioned kids) So sad about your parents chicks. x

  3. So cute!!!!!!! It is wonderful to see how children interact with animals

  4. Aww poor chickies. It sounds like the girls had fun with them and I hope that pen is fox proofed soon.

    1. The kids love them, and dad loved to watch them have fun. Darn foxes.

  5. Beautiful photo's and that is so sad indeed about the baby chickens.

  6. Oh no! So sad! :-( Chickens make fantastic pets and they all have their own personalities. I wish we could have some here but we have a tiny courtyard garden.
    Here's to better chicken-luck from here! x

  7. Ha ha I hope the fox is choking too - sorry for the chicken, it's sad isn't it when things get into the hutch. Your kids will have fond memories of chooks, just like I do!

    1. Handling these chickens has made Izzy a bit more confident around our chooks now, so that's something.

  8. Such beautiful photos! Those chickens are so cute! :-) Lucy from Bake Play Smile

  9. Oh, so sad about the baby chickens :(
    Look how happy your children are playing with the chooks, though! Memories in the making!

    1. They would have followed those chooks around all day if i let them :)

  10. Awww! Cool photos there and a cool memory all the same xxx

  11. Oh nature is just plain horrible sometimes xxxx

  12. I'm sorry about the baby chicks! But having chickens is just such a great thing for your daughters! They will learn so much.


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