
Monday, December 30, 2013

The 24 hour holiday

We should be on holiday.

We were on holiday.
The view from powered site #8 at Henty Bay Caravan Park, gold. The showers left a lot to be desired though.

Izzy got gastro, the 24 hour kind, the morning of our second day. After much deliberation we decided to drive the hour and a half home. We didn't want to take the chance we might all be spewing today and packing up or riding it out in a caravan with the potential of a 'monty pythonesque' spewing fiesta, not just for us, but the entire caravan park. Imagine that. 

Twenty four hours after we arrived and set up the caravan, we were packed up and on our way home.

Izzy was coming good last night, with a couple of Salada biscuits for tea and a bottle of blue Powerade. Not just the goods for a hangover, but for gastro too  ;) 

She bounded out of bed this morning, announcing her betterness to the whole household. I was glad there was no one else chucking their guts up. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

Yesterday afternoon, instead of lazing the day away beachside in Portland, Victoria, or seeing the sights, I cut another cabbage and dug up my purple spuds. I planted three purple spuds in a pot last year in March, I ended up with about 15.  I have some little ones there I can plant back in a pot.
Disinfected the van, the car and home. Then went out in the garden. Busy bloody me. Thank god no one is sick today!

Picked these today. Blue Agapanthus, and roses from the garden.

We're all good today, Izzy over her sickness, and all of us are healthy, except for the odd runny nose. The weather is absolutely beautiful. 

Boggy is planning his first dropnetting outing in the boat for crayfish tomorrow, hopefully they get something, even a piddly little fish(of legal size of course) to chuck in a pan would be good. 

Happy New Year to you all and best of luck for 2014!


  1. My fingers are crossed it doesn't visit the rest of the family :)! Happy almost New Year... ~ jodie

  2. My fingers are crossed it doesn't visit the rest of the family :)! Happy almost New Year... ~ jodie

  3. Thats Bad luck about Izzys gastro. You would have had a perfect view of the fireworks tonight from that site.

    1. Yeah, bad luck. Oh well. None of us got it so we could have stayed, but then she probably would have passed it on to someone at the park, and not fair on the other holidaymakers. We were only there for three nights and coming home on Tuesday, so would have missed the fireworks anyway :)

  4. Oh no! Oh well, dems the breaks. Happy New Year and hopefully no gastro for 2014 :)

    1. Surprisingly, it was the first time in her four years she's ever had gastro. And yes no more would be great! Happy new year to you too Danya :)

  5. Fingers crossed he brings home some crayfish! :)

    1. He did, two! We did get some lines in the water on our first night in the caravan park, lots of bites, but no fish. It would have been great to stay longer. Next time :)

  6. Oh you poor things. Glad Issy is better and you can enjoy the glorious weather :) Happy New Year!

  7. Glad to hear Izzy survived. Those flowers are beautiful. Congrats on the purple spud harvest. They sound like they should be healthy.- Like purple carrots?


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