
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Spring rolls into Summer

The weather over the weekend was great as Spring rolled into Summer. It's taken a while for the sun to warm our skin down south.

On Saturday Glen street was blocked off, as hometown girl, Ellie Lovegrove from XFactor fame, entertained us. It was good to see her back in town after she'd moved to Adelaide.

Sunday was a bit more overcast, but warm enough  for the kids to have a dip at our local swimming lake. We ate chips and sauce from the lake shop for lunch, with about 30 friendly seagulls trying to help us.


  1. Love this time of year when it is not too hot but warm enough to enjoy!! Great pics.

    1. The weather is lovely at the moment, still a bit all over the place though. It's back down below the 20s for the next couple of days!

  2. Ah, it's so good to be outdoors at this time of year... if the sun permits it of course and it certainly did over the weekend! :)

  3. Gorgeous pics. Yay summer is here. How divine are those bathers?

  4. You won't believe it but my girl has BOTH of those swimming costumes!! One from me, one from nanny - LOVE THEM. Great shots and glad you finding have summer lovely! xx

  5. Chips and sauce...mmm.

    Love the candid shots of your girls!

    Meant to tell you that I tried a version (ham instead of bacon) of your Fish Chowder the other week. My husband and I loved it. Will try again with the boys when they get a little bit older and can appreciate a good chowder. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Oh good! I am so glad you tried it, very comforting food! The chips from the lake deli are good.

  6. The girls look so sweet in their swimmers. I enjoyed Ellie on XFactor - she did really well. Must have been great to hear her sing :)

    1. It was. The crowd loved it when she started to sing 'Girl on fire'. I think it's great she came back to perform for the locals. To tell the truth I didn't watch much of it, hubby did. He knew her well, they played baseball together.

  7. How exciting, a celebrity! Your girls are sooooo cute!!! They look like they are having fun with each other. My boys just seem to wrestle!

    1. I was noticing two boys at kindergym on Monday, they were having a ball wrestling and falling all over the place together! Not something you see girls do much of. Yes we don't get much celebrity down our way ;)

  8. Yes, funny pictures, and refreshing!

  9. Happy fun pics. I do love mild sunny days. When we were in SA nov 2011 is was a heat wave.

    1. That was the year and month Izzy was born and it was hot! Our November this year has been very mild.


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