
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Garden Christmas wreath

Sometimes I just get an idea in my head and have to run with it. I'm glad I did, this wreath is looking pretty on my back door today.

I have Ivy running rampant amongst the garden and what better way to make use of it at this time of year than to twist it around itself to make a round wreath. 

If you don't have Ivy, any bendy, twisty little branches or pliable twigs would work. Maybe from a gum tree for a native plant theme, with callistemon flowers and gum nuts(ok, so I've just inspired myself to try this one!). 

I picked some rosemary, yarrow(the yellow flower), statice(the purple-these make excellent dried flowers) and the seed pods of the blue nigella flowers and threaded the stalks through the ivy wreath. 

I'm not sure how long it will last on the door, the weather is in the mid thirties for the next few days, so I'm guessing not very long. But for something that didn't cost anything, except the twenty minutes it took to pick and put together it doesn't matter.

I am thinking of recreating something similar for christmas day. Maybe a table centrepiece with chunky candles, or a cute little swag to wind it's way down the table. 

What have you got in the garden to decorate with this christmas? 
Even if it is some little flowers you could float with some candles in a festive dish. 

Getting excited yet?(I mean about christmas, not about rushing out into your yard and picking flowers) :D


  1. Gorgeous, just lovely - no amount of expense and tinsel in the world is a substitute for fresh flowers and greenery.

    Now to my own new wreath (I know I have some ivy in the garden...!)

    1. It's holding up really well. It was really nice to see when I opened the back door up this morning, and my SIL commented on how pretty it was today :)
      I hope yours turned out ok :)

  2. That is just the coolest thing ever! I wish our climate allowed for such plants to grow. The joy of the tropics I guess!

    Leaving some fairy wishes and butterfly kisses from #teamIBOT

  3. Very nice! I love those kind of ideas you get in your head and just have to do.

    1. They are usually the ones that give you the most satisfaction :) Even if they go wrong, you know what not to do next time ;)

  4. Clever clever clever, can you make me one!!

    1. I'd love to! If only I knew where to send it, WALT had the address, I am such a dill for not having the foresight to write it down!

  5. Oh that is beautiful! What a great way to make an awesome decoration for nothing!

    1. It's amazing what you can make with what you have, when you think about it :)

  6. This is my favourite wreath I've seen this year. Anywhere. So colourful! You clever thing x

  7. After just reading you WW post, I can see you are your mother's daughter - very colourful and clever! Merry Christmas lovely!!! xx

  8. That is beautiful :) Creative like your mum :)


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