
Monday, November 11, 2013

Our show success

We've just had our local country show this weekend. Izzy entered into seven sections of the kindy competition and I in the photography. We did pretty well.

Izzy won or got a place in everything she entered, so proud. She was first in her craft piece, a paper mache bowl that she made and painted; her decorated biscuits and her chocolate crackles. Her painting received second place and her drawing, eggs and flowers got third. She won the overall points for the kindy section and won a jigsaw puzzle and $8.50. Pretty cool.

I entered 26 photos in the photography section and got 4 firsts and 3 second placings. Happy with that, not bad for my first photo competition. I won 29 bucks. Awesoooome. I spent $18 of it on wine. Awesooome!

Definitely doing it again next year, might even get Summer involved too.


  1. Awesome you guys, well done!! Love how you spent the prize money!!

    1. It just happened to be in my purse when I hit the bottlo on Saturday arvo!

  2. They are beautiful photos. Well done to both of you!! Thought you would do well with your touch of blue. I have never thought of entering anything at the show. The kids do via school. Maybe next year I will be inspired! Thanks Alicia

    1. You should! With all your wonderful new produce! It was fun to be involved in a community event :)

  3. Congratulations. How fantastic.

    1. Thanks Susan, it was nice to win a few. Just the boost I needed.

  4. Way to go girls!! And yay to spending your winnings on wine - hehe :)

    1. It was the girls birthday parties yesterday, I was buying wine lol. It was a long day!

  5. Look at all the awards! How good is that! I've contemplated entering my pikelets into the local show maybe i will next year with this kinda inspiration

  6. Congratulations on the prizes.

    You have some great photos there & looks like Izzy has a developing creative side.

  7. Yay, I wondered how you went!! Well done for winning - I loved the twine photo the best. And how cute for Izzy to win will make her want to do it again I reckon. Best move ever spending win on wine - you are VERY WISE! xx

  8. What a great haul, sounds like your daughter takes after her talented mama!


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