
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

November garden

 Pulled out the Broad bean plants. Izzy picking the last beans and feeding them to her sister. 
Never seen a kid so keen to eat raw broad beans!

 Antirrhinums or Snapdragons 
 Nigella 'Love in a mist'
 Pink carpet roses under shade, just starting to flower
Below, same carpet rose in full sun, monster, over two metres in height and almost three wide.
Would make an awesome rose hedge.

 A double white carpet rose
 'Wedding Day' rambling rose in flower, pink fairy rose on trellis
 'Wedding day'
I took this one at 8pm last night. Still light. One kid asleep and the other on her way.
It helps having the extra daylight to do things like poison grass. This bed coming along. 
Got rocks from Mums old house on the hill and out at BILs farm :)


  1. And you think things die in your garden??!! Looking good, loving your new garden bed.

    1. Thanks Ann. Finally got it poisoned the other night, took the opportunity while it was still light and the kids were asleep. Can't wait til I can fill it up :)

  2. What a beautiful garden. Can I recruit you to help me with mine. Love your little girl eating beans straight from the garden.

    1. She loves to eat that one, I like to see it too, and that's the best way to eat them, crouched in the garden and fresh from the pod!

  3. What a lovely garden. Grass is one of my number one enemies in my garden. Just when I think I have it all another bit pops up.

    1. There is always something to do. When people say lovely garden, I say dont look too hard because they will see the weeds!

  4. What a beautiful garden. Those roses are spectacular - you must have a house full of them!! xx

    1. I love bringing the flowers inside, come to think of it, there probably isn't a week when there isn't some sort of flower in a vase. Much cheaper to grow them yourself :)

  5. that NIgella is so pretty - never seen one before.

    1. It is very pretty and dainty. It goes to seed like crazy and it comes up every year without too much help from me.

  6. WOW 8pm it's dark here at 6.46pm - boo! My mum is here tonight and I'm going to show her your pics! She will be green with envy! xxx

    1. In the height of Summer it doesn't get pitch black until nearly 9 pm.
      Lovely to have your Mum look at my pics :)

  7. Wow, your garden is beautiful. Those beans are huge!! Love the "wedding day", what a beautiful flower! Maybe I'm glad we don't have DST....still light at 8 is great....if you don't have kids!! -Aroha

    1. Thanks Aroha. Summer doesn't do too bad going to sleep when it's still light, thank goodness. That's where block out curtains come in handy.

  8. Lovely shots, I am not much of a gardener but I keep trying!

  9. Love the Nigella! Your new garden will be lovely. Busy girl :)


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