
Thursday, November 14, 2013

How I tell the time

My place in time #30

I bought this years ago. Somewhere along the track it's been lost amongst the growing plants, never to be seen again.

I found it while weeding and brought it back to life. It could probably do with a polish, and I will get around to doing that....soon.

I took a round of wood and nailed the sundial on the top. It did have a fancy bit that did the sun casting shadow, god know where that is. I should have had a better look where I found it under some bushes, I think it's long gone.

The nail works anyway.

A bit of advice when setting your sundial. The 'nail' should be pointing South. The bird design is pointing true North. 

If you set it on daylight saving time, the bird design will not be pointing true North. So if you are a bit of a perfectionist, you would set the shadow cast an hour slower.

This is in perfect alignment with true North, the time is almost a quarter to three. 

'My place in time' is a local area history project set by Kell at blackcurrant photography

Linked with Susan at Jacana


  1. How cool to have a sundial in your garden.

    1. I can't believe I let it get lost for the last few years. Glad I found it :)

  2. My daughter learned about sun dials at school and came home and put one together with rocks and a stick. I was so impressed! Now we'll be able to position the stick in the correct place and maybe the sun will tell the real time for us!!! x

    1. A rock and stick one sounds really good, sort of stonehedgey. I have seen one painted on concrete and you stand in the middle and your shadow tells the time.

  3. I have always loved sundials. What a lovely reward for weeding :)

  4. I was so surprised to find it. It was like, 'Oh hello, I remember you".

  5. What a lovely thing to have in the garden!

  6. How awesome, I've never known how to read a sundial til looking at this one. I love your garden in this and previous posts, it's so enchanting.

  7. That's a lovely sundial... I've wanted one for some time. There is just something magical about using something so "non-technological"...

  8. Wow, that is beautiful. I love the very precise shadow that is cast to tell us how much time has passed.

  9. We think we are so clever in this technological age but this way of telling the time has already been used for thousands of years. Just the concept of time is pretty stressful because everything in life is such a rush but I feel more relaxed and at one with nature just looking at this :-)

  10. We think we are so clever in this technological age but this way of telling the time has already been used for thousands of years. Just the concept of time is pretty stressful because everything in life is such a rush but I feel more relaxed and at one with nature just looking at this :-)


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