
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Izzy goes to kindy

Yesterday Izzy had her first day at kindy. With the same day start policy in place, and her turning four after the end of April she won't start full time kindy until next year. So this last term she is attending a half day on a Wednesday as pre-entry.

I have no problems with her not starting full time until next year. She won't turn four until next month. But for some of her kindy mates, who turned four way back at the start of May, three days after the cut off, the long wait to start full time kindy seems a bit ridiculous to me. But the powers that be obviously know what they're doing, I hope.

Tuesday night Izzy was telling me we couldn't go anywhere the next day because she was sick. I think she was having some doubts about this kindy bizzo. She knows the kindy and the teachers, we've been going there for playgroup. She is fine about me leaving her for an hour at gym with the instructor. I was quietly confident that she would be ok.

On Wednesday morning, I was excited, trying to make her excited, it was kindy day!! She said she was sick and couldn't go anywhere.

She was so proud putting it on all by herself and then
pestering "Can we go, I want to go".

I'm not sure what I said, it might have been something about her new backpack, whatever it was, all of a sudden she was feeling better. 

Izzy helped pack her snack, an apple and some pizza shapes into her new lunch pack, made sure she had her hat and put it in her  backpack along with her new water bottle. This was a bargain set I picked up at a market for 5 bucks. No fancy Barbie, Billabong or Disney backpacks here, it's only kindy. I have many more years of mind numbing brand name nagging when she hits puberty, or possibly before, I don't want to start a trend.

Nag she did though, "I want to go to my kindy", "Can we go to kindy now?". This went on and on. I was so glad when 12 noon rolled around and I could go drop her off.

I did feel a pang of emotion as we got out the car, we found her bag locker and signed her in, I stayed with her until 12:15, when lunch finished and said goodbye. No fuss. No tears. Nothing. I walked out to the gate, Summer on my hip, got in the car and pulled out the car park. 

A rush of freedom swept over me, I smiled. I smiled because it was easy. Stress free. She handled it like a champion. I was so relieved, like a weight had been lifted. She's gonna be ok. It was a different story with Jake when he started kindy, different kid.

I went home and gardened, Summer my little shadow. She was happy. I was happy. I gardened without the interruption of Izzy needing help with anything, not having to go see who was crying, no fighting. It was awesome.

I can't wait until next Wednesday! 


  1. I so do not get all the different education systems in each state. I am so glad you all had a good day. I love my Wednesdays and Thursday preschool days. Life is a breeze with only 2 kids and I know the 4 year old is having a blast and would rather be there than at home!!

    1. You'd think it should be the same country wide. Glad to hear you are enjoying your break too!

  2. They grow up too fast, don't they! My older daughter just turned 8 and she just said to me she 's going to turn 9 soon and then she'll be a teenager. She seems so excited about it! Enjoy your newfound freedom :) x

  3. Sounds like it went smoothly. I'm not sure if I'll manage to hold it together the day Dora starts school. Thankfully, that's a good few years away! The photo of Izzy is so cute! She does look very proud of herself.

    1. I did have a little moment when my heart went into my throat when she was getting out the car. When she starts primary school proper and isn't with me every week day I might get a bit emotional, I am a sentimental sook like that :)

  4. Seems so long ago that my boys went to kindy. They are January babies so had to wait a long time. We lived in Adelaide at the time and I never understood the terms starts. Here they are just about the oldest in their year which is a good thing...they will be able to drive themselves to school in year 12 :) Glad you enjoyed your time out. Izzy looks very cute with her backpack!

    1. She did look very cute when she came to me to show me she put the bag on herself. I'm glad she was enthusiastic about going to kindy after all. She did have a good time. I have all November babies!

  5. Oh how exciting! She looks like such a big girl! My JJ started proper preschool last week. Yay for somee gardening time (or blogging time for me). :)

    1. I hope JJ enjoyed her first day. It was a little weird getting home without Izzy, I'm glad I went out and did some gardening and didn't mope about waiting for time to pick her up. I think Summer enjoyed time for us too :)

  6. How exciting!!! Sounds like the transition was ideal- especially since she was familiar with the teachers from playgroup. No doubt Izzy will thrive, and you'll struggle to get her to leave! My boys' day care will provide kindy next year, so I think that's where they'll go.

  7. How wonderful that it went so smoothly. My heart breaks when I go down to the kindy area at my school at the start of the year and see all the tears (mainly from the Mum's).


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