
Monday, October 28, 2013

I want more garden, and roses

Someone asked me how many roses I had and I don't really know off the top of my head. Pondering it made me think of roses I don't have. It had me thinking of patches of lawn I could dig up for more space to put roses I don't have.  

The worst thing is, it has put the seed in my brain, the fire has been lit, and I am determined. It's not an if, it's a when. The idea will itch away until I mark out the lines and poison the patch of grass that will be new garden space. 

I've been around the open gardens the past two weekends. Beautiful gardens with lots of roses, lots of inspiration, which fuels my garden wants. I want more roses, I wont be thanking myself at pruning time.

It's like when someone asks the question, Who would you have(alive or dead) at your ultimate dinner table? Well this is a bit like that, except you're feeding them liquid fish emulsion and manure and they give you beautiful flowers in return.

Diana Princess of Wales

Mary MacKillop

Olivia Newton John

Pope John Paul II(I saw this one yesterday at a garden, it smells great)

Sir Donald Bradman

Slim Dusty

Sutters Gold(one from my childhood and a scent that is divine)
*All photos are from Treloar Roses website.


  1. They are all beautiful. I hope I don't get served liquid fish emulsion and manure when I visit you for dinner! hehe!

  2. Oooo so pretty. I would love some roses. One day.

  3. I can see why you would want these - beautiful. I like roses that have a scent takes me back to my childhood,it's a shame that some nowadays don't.

    1. Some roses lose their scent with the breeding I think. It's so nice to come across ones that are new and do have the strong rose fragrance.

  4. I love how so many roses are named after people. Must be an honour to have a rose that bears your name.

    1. There are soooo many roses that are named after people, it is just about impossible to remember and keep track of them. It would be awesome to have a rose that bears your own name :)

  5. I had no idea that these rose even existed - how cool! One of my favourite roses is 'Just Joey', but I'm not sure which Joey it was actually named after.

  6. These are all so pretty and I bet they smell amazing. I love the scent of roses.

    1. I am linking and running today but will be back tomorrow to catch up on all the posts.

  7. I love roses too. They remind me of my Granny and my Mum, both who have had beautiful rose gardens. I am working on it and have just planted my favourite, a climbing Peace rose. I hope you find some more rose space.

  8. Your roses are fabulous! I understand what you mean. I love mine and I would love to have more too. But, there's no more place now in the garden.


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