
Friday, October 11, 2013

I got swag

I am really enjoying doing the 'My place in time' photo project. I wish I had more time to cruise around taking awesome photos of my local area. 

When Izzy starts pre-entry kindy this final school term, I will have three hours on a Wednesday, when me and Summer can just amble about town, her strapped firmly in a pram of course. I can start doing a few more things I want to do, and lord knows next year when she starts full time kindy, I will be looking for things to keep me busy. 

Anyhoo, back to the 'I got swag' bizzo. 

Yesterday I posted 'A river view', and this first photo.

I didn't even notice it when I walked up and took the photo, it wasn't until I was walking back towards the car, it caught my eye. It kinda freaked me out a bit, seeing something familiar laying under a tree by the side of the road.

It had a few ants running over it, well several, and a few bugs. I tossed it in the boot and drove home.

The kids slept on the way home and I left them in there while I sorted out the swag, and sorted out all the sandy stuff from a day at the beach.

I armed myself with a can of bug spray and went about unrolling it. Let's just say spider central, 1 big black one and lots of little ones, I must have looked like a crazy lady trying to do whack-a-mole with my feet. It wasn't quite as bad as it sounds. I opened up the inside just a bit and gave it a good spray inside, much to my surprise the inside was clean and tidy with no bugs whatsoever. 

My guess is it belonged to a younger person and it must have been here for at least three months, maybe six.

I'd scored myself a good single swag. Not that I'll be sleeping outdoors any time soon, but the kids will get some use out of it hopefully when they are a bit older.


  1. What a find! I wonder who it belonged to, and how it came to be left on the side of the road. I wonder what adventures it's seen!

    1. I think it must have blown or got bumped of the back of a ute, maybe when they went over the bridge. There was no name or number on it, so I have no idea who owned it or where it may have been. It's ours now :)

  2. Oh wow! What a find! Hope noone one was coming back for a nap ;) Haha! (Not by the looks of it)

    1. Ha ha, yeah I hope not! I don't think they would have liked their bed companions :)

  3. Oh, but those spiders!!! They would totally freak me out! But hey, you got an awesome swag! :)

    1. That's why I was armed with a can of fly spray, luckily there was only one big one, I think the other ones where it's babies, yuk!

  4. Replies
    1. I know, it would have probably cost a couple of hundred dollars to buy one new! The inside of this one is very clean :)

  5. There's something to be said for having a keen eye Alicia!!! I'm no spider fan so would have scared the SHART out of me picking it up! Love a great road-side rescue though :) xx

    1. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the big black spider when unrolled it, I stomped on it straight away, it was at that moment that I thought thongs might be the wrong footwear for this operation. I did sort of pull it out of the bush with great caution and with two fingers while I stood as far back as I could manage! I was so glad the inside wasn't full of bugs :)

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