
Monday, October 7, 2013

From black suede to pink wink #openslather

Boggy changed jobs a few weeks ago, he's back driving a truck to Portland from the Mount everyday again. More money(fist pump) and a much happier hubby.

He had a week off before starting the new job and decided that Izzy needed a pink wall. This room used to Jakes, and the black suede wall served him well, but it was time to make it a bit more girly.

There were a couple of photos at the start of the wall, but too
much 'brickies cleavage' showing ;)

I bought some new pink blockout curtains from KMart for thirty bucks, bargain. Izzy has been sleeping in until 8 most mornings, I'm not sure if they have something to do with it, but I am not complaining one bit. Best $30 I've spent in a while. 

I know I wouldn't have got curtains ready to go at Spotlight for that price, and after the crappy time I had with their service and two kids in tow last time I was there, I wasn't keen to go back.

We had some left over ceiling white in the shed, and used this to lighten the wall, before Boggy put the pink on. He did a fantastic job, for someone who has never liked to paint, maybe because he never had a little girl to paint pink walls for ;)
Yes, Izzy has a queen size bed, she moved right on in to Jakeys old bed.
The painting on the wall is one he did at school too. It's been hanging
in this same spot for years. 


  1. Love the pink feature wall. A queen sized bed for a princess!

    1. The bed comes in handy when she wakes in the middle of the night too, I can crawl right in :) She loves her pink wall.

  2. Pretty in pink. Those curtains sound like a bargain.

    1. They were, I was expecting to pay more for a great blockout curtain.

  3. A lovely makeover. He did a great job!

  4. Cute! I love the pink and yellow color combo :)
    Thanks for hosting!

    1. The yellow is more of a mustardy colour(Dulux- wax way), it went really well with the black suede paint. We weren't keen on painting the whole room, so the yellow stayed :)

  5. Now I want a pink wall!! Looks great although I love the idea of black. It must hide grubby hand prints. Now I am seriously thinking of painting our entire house black!!

    1. Yes it probably hid some grubby paw prints and smudges.

  6. Love the pink and green combo, girly but not too girly. My sister had this combo, sort of, when a bit younger. Looks Great!

    1. Thanks. It's brightened up the room, she is very happy with her pink wall :)


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