
Monday, August 26, 2013

Ramblings about nothing in particular #openslather

I'm sitting here wondering what the heck am I going to write about for Open Slather, I have zilcho pilcho. So I'm just going to ramble.

My sister turned 40 on Saturday, which means we are the same age for three weeks. Yes I have a birthday soon. Is 41 considered to be teetering on the top of the hill? Or is 41 the new 25. I'm gunning for the latter.

I've started walking, and have been three times in the last week. Feel free to roll your eyes at yet another attempt at me losing weight. It's not the losing bit I suck at, it's the keeping it off. 

A Kirby(extremely expensive vacuum cleaner) rep came on Saturday. If you want to see exactly how dirty your house is, get them to come round and vacuum your mattress and carpets. I was shocked and appalled, my Dyson will now be known as the useless piece of shit.

I was going to post about Daffodils today, but I didn't really like the photos I took, so I didn't. I like photographing my flowers, and sharing them too. If I can get my shite together I'd like to do more of that. 

The weather hasn't been the best for taking photos outside. Yesterday was a gloriously sunny day though, it was awesome to see blue skies and feel the suns warmth, what there was of it. Izzy played at the neighbours and I pushed Summer up the shops, bought her an ice cream and walked home again. Awesome.

I took the girls to the coffee shop early last week, something I haven't done for ages. They loved it, it was a novelty. We nabbed a couch and a coffee table and lounged about, I with a zero coke and the kids had an ice cream. Someone had their thinking cap on when they went with covers for the couches. We'll definitely be doing more coffee shop lounging from now on. I wonder how long I can get away with not 'having' change for the car though. 


  1. Fantastic post Alicia, I am a huge fans of a good rambling!

    1. Thankyou Rhianna. I had lots going on in my head to say, so I just spewed some of it out on the internet lol ;)

  2. We never 'have' change for the car either. :)

  3. I love daffodils! I am having that 'I need to walk' feeling. Seeing as I would rather be reading a good book I think I need to download an audiobook, put my sneakers on and multi-task! Good luck on your walking mission.

    1. I am always saying I don't have time to read lately. Thanks for an awesome idea!! Thanks for the good luck, I went today too, hopefully I can keep the motivation up.

  4. I regularly have no idea what to blog about at the moment. One of the students last week bought a daffodil to decorate the office ... I never got a photo but they are so pretty and bright. Good on you for getting out walking and your coffee shop date with the kids sound so relaxing.

    1. I was surprised, I was expecting them to be all over the shop. They were very well behaved, probably helped that there was no one else there at that time. I'll have to do it again.

  5. haha my vacuum cleaner is a piece of shit too ... or maybe that's just my excuse for not using it regularly :P I like photographing flowers too :)

  6. I thought Dysons were supposed to be awesome. Mine picks up so much dust - I'd hate to see what the super doper one would pick up!

    Happy birthday for soon :-)

    1. I thought my Dyson picked up lots too, and it does, but not it all. Maybe I'll give the filters a clean ;)

  7. I am lucky enough to live in a town where the change for the ride machine is still only 20 cents - amazing. It is a rocking horse ride. I use to get away with no change for about 4 years. So I think you are doing pretty well.

    1. There is a 20 cent one at our local IGA, and a 40 cent one. Only occasionally do they get a ride in that one, doesn't stop them from jumping in and pretending though. Izzy usually opts for a 20 cent bubblegum out the machine ;)

  8. I like rambling posts... :)

    Good on your for walking again! And that vacuum cleaner sounds good...I could do with a good one given I have 2 cats. Except I can't afford one at the moment and so will just have to choose to ignore the fact that despite the vacuuming, there will still be cat hair around!


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