
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Only in my country

My place in time #94

This is definitely something you will not see in any other country. The yellow and black sign with an australian native animal on it. I'm am not entirely sure, but the yellow and black diamond sign may be an australian only thing as well. 

Kangaroos grazing on the side of the road is a common sight in the early morning and pre-evening in our part of the country. Hence the most common sight as roadkill on the road side also. 

Towards Beachport there is wombat signs, and over the border into Victoria towards Portland, koala signs.

It comes as no surprise then to see these animals as respective roadkill in these areas. I was quite shocked the first time I saw a dead koala laying on the side of the road near Portland. Hubby informed me, he saw quite a few koalas trying to cross the road while rumbling along in his truck, not much match for a poor old koala.


  1. I love these iconic signs. It is just truly Aussie. Here in Tas we have them with devils on them! #teamIBOT

    1. Very cool, I wish I had of taken photos of devil signs when I was over there. Maybe I have, I'll have to have a look :)

  2. I love them too - In Tassie, you are more likely to see possums as road kill. I once was driving to Hobart and came across a massive truck and trailer parked clear across both lanes of traffic. Wondering what had happened, I pulled over and got out - the driver had spotted an echidna trying to cross the road, and had blocked off both lanes to allow the little guy to cross safely - heart-sing moment! Truckies have hearts too!!

    1. That's so cool. I've seen the occasional echidna crossing the road before too, I love the way they waddle :)

  3. Gotta love those yellow signs !!! (I don't recall seeing them in any other country that we have been to either.)
    Have the best day !

    1. I wasn't sure if the yellow sign was an australian only thing, I haven't been outside the country! Hope you've had the best day too xx :)

  4. It cracked me up to see a sign like these with bandicoots on in Sydney. Made me wonder how many random animal signs we have?

  5. I do love our unique lifestyle :) The koala and wombat ones are winners in my book too! Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

  6. We holidayed in North Qld a few weeks ago - they have Tree Kangaroo signs up there. The Big Sister was thrilled! :)

  7. There is a moose pictured on these signs in Canada!


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