
Thursday, August 15, 2013


What do you do with leftover pasta dough? We make crustoli. Well, we do now. 

I remember these from my childhood, Mum used to make them quite a bit. I had no idea how until recently, I mentioned to her I had some spare dough after making ravioli. You could make crostoli, she said, it's just made with flour and egg anyway.

Mum never made homemade pasta, but she had a lot of Italian friends who probably let her in on how to make crostoli. Us kids loved them and they never lasted long, there was five of us! 

It's very simple, there are lots of involved recipes on the net, and you could go looking. I just used my leftover pasta dough, which is 100 grams of flour to 1 whole egg and mixed to a dough. 

For the amount of pasta in the picture, enough for a lasagne, and two strips on the bench,  I used 300 grams and 3 eggs, a pinch of salt and a bit of olive oil if it is a bit dry coming together. Knead until smooth and let it sit for about 20 minutes.

Roll the dough in the pasta machine, then cut into about 15 cm lengths and cut small slits along the middle of the strip.

Deep fry* until lightly golden, drain on paper, then dust with icing sugar. 
Bobs your uncle (fanny's your aunt). 

If I made it again, I would maybe not machine the dough so thin(mine were the thinnest setting), I was making lasagne sheets. 

*When I say deep fry, I used a deep fry pan with about a centimetre of two of oil in it.


  1. Ooo thank you for sharing this, hubster's aunt used to make them all the time and I've always wanted to but didn't know how! :-)

    1. I loved them when I was a kid, I wish I had known how to make them earlier. So glad Mum said something :)

  2. Oh yum! I've bought this from the deli before! Aren't you girls clever!?

    1. i have no choice but to let Izzy help, she loves to get involved(get in the way) ;)

  3. They look so yummy, would they be good served up with Ice-cream and a chocolate sauce? Or are they more savoury?
    Sounds like an easy way of cooking something that looks/sounds great for kids!

    1. They'd be great with icing cream and chocolate sauce! They would be great with a thick sweet custard too ;)

  4. Oh, they look yum!! My husband makes these with leftover wonton wrappers and pours condensed milk over them while they're still bad, but so good!! :)

  5. Love the effort involved in this. Crostoli is just the best ;o)

  6. Wow! I didn't know it was so easy to make them... My mother in law makes them and I always thought it was really difficult.

  7. These look like a great treat - had never heard of them before. How long in the oil for?

    1. only until they are starting to go golden, it only takes a minute. These were rolled out very thin, so 30 seconds per side.

  8. Oh yum. I've only eaten store-made ones - I bet yours are a million times better!

  9. These look divine! I don't have a pasta machine (not sure what they're called). Perhaps it's time...


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