
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Scrunchie poos and wee

I have a scruncher. It bugs me no end, but I haven't taken the time to correct it. Or should I? Is it so bad that she is a scruncher? Or am I a serial folder, and think that there is no other way.

Sometimes the scrunch is so small there is no way it could mop up anything. Like, ridiculously small.

I am dumbfounded, as much as she is proud, at the size of her poo. Lucky for me, it's almost always a clean break, and the scrunch is sufficient to clean it up. Many a time I have heard her say, "Come and look, it's a big one". It always is, and sometimes the colour has me thinking she has eaten kermit the bog frog, or a smurf with a sponge bob chaser. This may have a lot to do with her requesting strange icing colours for her cupcakes, not because she is a fan of green veggies, because she is not.

Izzy is fine to go by herself. It doesn't stop her standing in one spot, doing the dance and, accompanied by the MJ crotch grab, whining that she needs help. This always happens when we have visitors, I am peacefully drinking tea, cooking dinner or computing. Why wouldn't she?  How dare I! 

What is more of a parental inconvenience is when she dashes down the hallway, rushes into the dunny, shuts (and locks!) the door. This is only forgiven because of the devilish cackle that resonates from the echoey cubicle, she got me, the little shite. Makes a mother proud. Not. Maybe. Not when I have already dropped whatever I am doing and am halfway down the hallway. 

Probably why I haven't the bother to correct her scrunchiness. Maybe I should take more time to convert her to folding, like a normal person, instead of worrying what I was doing when she rudely interrupted me with her pooness. Ok so now I am finding it weird that spell hasn't corrected me on pooness, but there is a problem with scrunchiness. Yep definite problem.

What's more I have to go through this all over again with Summer girl at the start of next year. Shiiiiit. It's a lot of dropping what I'm doing and rushing down the hallway for the sake of poos and wees. Oh the joys. It all fun and games, except for the pretty barbie undies full of poo, and the smelly wee tainted towels in the wash, and the endless mopping.

Do you have scrunchers or folders? What's your funniest memory of toilet training toddlers?


  1. hahahaha! something we discovered with this house, is the toilet is terrible at flushing. Through the - oh what's the word - "convenience" of having scrunchers and folders in the house, we made a discovery.

    If you scrunch the toilet will flush properly every time. It seems folders have issues with the flushing of the loo.

    So really, maybe, letting her be a scruncher isn't a bad thing... just in case she ever uses a loo that doesn't like to flush properly ;)

    MC x

  2. Thats an observation I have never made. Be sure I will be obsessed with checking this theory in our dunny now lol.

  3. OH SHIT I think I am the SUPER WAD! Only since having kids thought! What a funny post Alicia. I'm just grateful if they flush and wash their hands :) xx

    1. I am joining in here - I am also a super wad!
      And very grateful if they wash their hands and even more grateful if they flush and as it is currently a house of boys very pleased if the seat goes down.

  4. I can't say I ever took much notice !!!!
    Our funniest experience was when K started going to kindy - she had to be toilet trained. After a couple of days of going, she was at home in the evening and called out from the loo "Dad, come and wipe my bum". We knew that she could do it herself because she had to at kindy so A said "What do you do at school ?" - she hopped off the loo, penguin walked to her bag and pulled out a picture she had drawn at school and said "This is what I did at school today." We still laugh about this now (she has just turned 21 !!!)
    Have the best day and thanks for making me smile !

    1. Thats a crack up of a story, I can imagine it. Thanks for making me laugh!

  5. Boatman is a folder, and I a scruncher and it bugs him no end!!! I've tried folding, but I'm sure you use more toilet paper that way!!

    1. I tried scrunching just to see what the fuss was about, I couldn't do it. I'm a fold freak :)

  6. Of course the scrunching is the better method, it gets into all the crannies that a flat surface cannot. Taught my son this as he has the messiest ass in the Southern hemisphere.

    1. I never thought of the scrunch like that, maybe Izzy is on to something :)

  7. Folder here but open to new things like scrunching..... I had only 1 toddler, a boy toddler at that.... sheesh it was not until he was to start at kindy that I could get him to do the poo in the loo rather than on the pot.... cleaning up after well that was another story - however am happy to report that cleaning of the hands was THE most important issue....


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