
Monday, May 13, 2013

Muzzas Day

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child
Sophia Loren

Muzza is what my brother calls my mum. I suppose it's what most Aussies do to people names. Take these for example; Darren = Dazza, Sharon = Shazza. Karen = Kazza, Mother = Muzza, you get the drift.

As usual, and I don't expect much more, I didn't get my sleep in for Mothers Day, but geez, it would have been nice! I did get pressies in bed. A pair of earrings from Summer, and a mug from Izzy. 

In true Brett style, all bought from the local cheap shop, god love him. At least the earrings don't hurt my ears, and how could I not love them, the kids were as happy as larry at how much I loved them. I think they loved the boxes they came in more, just quietly.

Izzy couldn't keep the secret(a trait she gets from her dad), she let me in on what I was getting a couple of days before. It went something like this, "We got a present, earrings and a tea towel with pink on it. But we not tell you". 

What she meant to say was "tea cup". The next day(Saturday) she told me again, but added that Summer got me earrings, and she got me a tea towel with pink on it. Too bloody cute! I didn't tell Brett, but someone who saw it on facebook did.

Jake came to stay the weekend. He got me chrysanthemums and some hand lotion. Love that kid. Even though he'll turn 21 this year, he's still my boy. The boy that went fishing with his nanna on Saturday. 

We had lunch at my mums, and as usual it was more like an all you can eat buffet. Get togethers at Mums always are.

My home is in my mother’s eyes George Nance

We looked through old family photos and Gran told stories that went for longer than they should have because she would forget what she was talking about. We sat in the shed with the fire going, the footy was on the telly, Gran was happy the Crows were winning and the kids had a ball. 

Gran and Summer girl


  1. I have never had a mothers day sleep in!! Sounds like you had a great day. Mine can't keep secrets either but thats half the fun!!

    1. Had a really good day. I have a few more years of spilled secrets to go, it is very cute and it made me smile.

  2. My pressies also came from the bargain shop but I still love them! Mr 19 & Miss 16 each gave me a garden bench (one for the back yard, one for the front) though I think hubster had more to do with it than they did ;-). Was also spoilt with a mug and saucer that said "Australia's Greatest Mum", a glass nail file, and a new sewing box = spoilt!!!!

    1. You were spoilt, good on your family. Must be because you are such a lovely person and Mum :)

  3. It's nice to spend the day with family. That's what we did too. Not very relaxing, but that's ok.

    1. I love get togethers at my mums place, it's my happy place, so it's always relaxing.

  4. I loved reading about your Mother's Day ~ very cute!!
    Thanks for hosting your party :))
    Have a great week!

  5. Dare I ask what "pressies" are? Yeah, I dare.

    1. "pressies" are another example of fine australian slang and shortening of words. It just means 'presents' lol.

  6. Sounds like a perfect day! I used to always buy stuff from cheap stuff and the earrings ALWAYS hurt mum - bless, but she still wore them, occasionally! x

  7. Oh, how cute is that mug??? Sounds like you had a beautiful day.
    Love the Open Slather idea for a linky! Good one!

    1. Very cute mug, I love it. Had a great day. Well I started out with a gardening link up(Open Garden), which wasn't attracting many link ups so I opened it up to open slather!


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