
Monday, March 25, 2013

The rotunda and the perfect tree.

It was a beautiful day. We headed out for a walk to the supermarket, Izzy rode her bike. Quite frankly the kids were rat shit, and it took what seemed forever to get out of the house. Sunscreen, hats, nappy change, drinks, snacks and everything else needed for a venture out. Finally we made it out the gate and down the road. 

After we'd been to Woolies, we dropped into Andy's Bakery for some lunch and walked across the way to the Rotunda, where we sat and the girls ate their watermelon, cocktail pasties and donut. I only buy one donut, Izzy is always horrified when I tear it apart and give the smallest part to Summer. Totally ruins the perfect roundness and beauty of 'her' iced and sprinkled delight.

We had a relaxing, enjoyable time. I will have to bring them back to 'hang' at the rotunda again. It's the first time I have taken the girls and spent any amount of time here. They spent time rolling down slopes on the grass, and walking around the steps of the rotunda, and exploring the trees. The drain that runs through town goes past this park, and of course they had to go exploring along that too. Mostly this time of year, there is no water in it, but it has a couple of metre drop off, which had me running when Summer took off down the hill to go and investigate.

Never taken any notice of the great trees in this park before either. How great they are for getting photos of the kids in. Next time I'm taking my camera. Usually I do bring it along, but I only had my phone this time. Plus, do you think the kids would co-operate to get a decent photo? Nope. They were having too much fun!

This park is popular for wedding photos, it made me wonder how many times this tree has been featured in wedding shots.


  1. It was the perfect weekend weather for adventures out and about wasn't it?

    1. So glad we got out and enjoyed the nice weather, won't be long and it will be too cold and wet. A few people we came across commented how good a day it was.

  2. Awesome pics!! Love an unexpected good time after a feral morning!! I will be back tomorrow to check out all the othr open slather posts!!

    1. Sometimes I just need to pack them up and get them out of the house. It's all good once we get going, it felt like I was getting nowhere getting ready though.

  3. We have wedding photos taken amongst trees like that!

    1. I have lived here a long time and never took much notice of the trees in this park. Glad we stopped and spent some time.

  4. Oh trees, how I love trees, beautiful pictures and so relaxing and enchanting to read :-) thanks!

  5. Beautiful girls, awesome tree, lovely day and post. I know how hard it is to get out the door. It better be good once you get there, right? Glad you got a good one!

  6. What a gorgeous tree!

  7. Such cute photos. What lovely, simple fun you all had.

  8. Lovely photos Alicia. I'm not surprised this park is popular for wedding photos.

  9. It would be interesting to know how many brides have used the same tree as a background. You put a smile on my face with the tearing of the donut in half.

    1. I was thinking the same thing about that tree. When Summer gets bigger, Izzy may get a donut all to herself. But at the moment while Summer wont eat a whole one, she is going to have to share!

  10. What an awesome tree! I actually took my youngest two out today, no rush, no agenda and just enjoyed time with them, which I rarely do, I enjoyed it. I so used to rushing here and there, so maybe time to stop and smell the roses! My kids HATE sharing donuts also, but I'm a bit too tight sometimes to buy 3! - Em x


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