
Friday, March 22, 2013

A blustery days baking

Yesterday was as blowy as buggery and the rain pelted down. The thunder and the lightening clapped and cracked the night before. I heard the thunder, it woke me long enough to hear it, I had no idea of the lightening though.

As we left for kindergym early yesterday morning, it poured. I was thankful for the trees covering the gate and I didn't get too wet. By lunchtime when we returned, I was quite wary that the tree branches may come down on top of me, and the car as I opened the gate. The wind was really forceful. A big branch had come down in the library car park and the SES truck siren wailed past as we left. Someone was in a bit of a fix. Luckily no cars were damaged, an hour before the car park was full, probably a good thing, because I may well have parked there. A friend that  joined us for baby bounce was one car park away from having a squashed car. Lucky!

Before we left for kindergym, I filled the bread maker with ingredients to make dough for hot cross buns. By the time we got home from the library it was done.
I have a Sunbeam bread maker, Brett bought it for twenty bucks at a garage sale a couple of years ago. I am not really an appliance freak, but we do get some use out of it. I do bake the occasional loaf of bread and is great for making all sorts of doughs, bread rolls, foccacia or pizza dough . This is more or less the same recipe that I used. I substituted the sultanas for choc chips. They were good!

We made this cake too. It's a blimin' cracker of a cake, I have blogged how to make this one before. Make sure you use something else than bourneville cocoa, it isn't any good for this cake. You will see it doesn't look as good in my previous post here, plus it doesn't have finger holes as well...yet.

I took some of both today for morning tea at playgroup. Usually we just have cut up fruit for morning tea. Silly me just assumed with it being the week before Easter, and a Friday, it was the last week of term. It wasn't! We always have party food the last Friday of term. I took it on a panic and a whim. My usual party food take is popcorn, easy as a bag of microwave popcorn! The kids loved it anyway, and at least one of the adults couldn't resist chocolate cake. Looks like I will be making popcorn in a couple of weeks, when it really is party food day.


  1. Hi, I nominated you for a Liebster Award! If you are interested in participating the details are on my blog :)

  2. Yum! I'm going to try the hot cross buns in the bread maker! Great idea.

    1. Easy! Did you get a recipe book with your bread maker? Mine had a hot cross bun recipe in it, the same as the linked one.

  3. Yum, I so wish I could order from you and have them posted!!

    1. I haven't bought any from the shops, and with the palm oil thingy going around on facey, I am kinda glad I haven't. If they had've got to you in good condition and not stale, I would have been happy to post you some!! lol


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