
Monday, February 11, 2013

Wine glasses

Believe it or not, at the moment(well now a couple days ago), I don't possess a single glass wine glass. Sure in my time I have had lots. Lots of matching ones, that was before I had kiddlywinks. Before they all got broken by kids, or drunk people, none of which I will admit, or remember was me.

Summer broke the last one a week ago, while trolling my crockery cupboard, like one year olds do. It's like letting the proverbial bull loose in the china shop, leaving the child lock off the door. Mind you, my child lock consists of an egg flip through the handles of the cupboard! It is amazing how this works, and not so freaking amazing when it is not there. Sucker for punishment I am!

Wine just isn't the same in a normal glass. It doesn't have the same appeal. 

I scoured the caravan for a plastic wine glass, you know the ones you buy at the supermarket, the throw away kind. I am always going to the caravan for missing or extra bits of cutlery or crockery. In fact when we run out of just about anything, toilet paper, cling wrap, oil, dishwashing liquid, shampoo, the caravan is the first place I go for backup supplies.

I don't know why, but the ones from the picnic wine set a friend gave me years ago, escaped my memory. I only thought of them today. It is a pretty cool picnic set, even though plastic, and years ago who would have thought that it would come in handy(stored in the bottom of my pantry), more than ever right now. I think in over 5 years I have only used it once, maybe twice. I am sure I will use it much more now. How cool is it? I have to admit, it comes with a cork screw, but these days, I don't come across many corks. Am I not spending the dollars to get the cork, or have they become totally redundant?

So I have been on the scout for wine glasses. My first idea was to check out the local op shops for interesting and cool vessels (not necessarily matching), to drink my wine from! I came across five goblets for $4 on my visit to Lifeline. The box had the original retail sticker on it, $30 for six. Score!

The Lifeline shop has come leaps and bounds in the past 6 months. They have become so much more upmarket. From a dinky dive, to a modern second hand shop. The ladies who now run it are ex fashion goddesses and have brought second hand to the fashion forefront. I love the new look store. It is so much more appealing to walk into and look around. 

I got the five goblets(huge) for $4.

The others I got for $3 from a garage sale on Saturday. Now I just need an overhead wall cabinet to display them in, maybe in this corner away from kiddy hands. That will be the next project.


  1. We had all our glasses packed up for over a year at our last house and got used to drinking wine and champagne out of tumblers - it is definitely not the same as drinking out of a proper glass. Fingers crossed the latest batch of glasses survive for a while longer for you!

    1. I am sure they will, for a while. I will have to start looking out for a cabinet for them.

  2. Good finds Alicia. I love a funky op shop.
    We have resorted to stemless wine glasses of late. Less chance of ending up with red wine on the carpet (I am the clumsy one).
    Will be back soon to link up with OS :)

    1. I don't go much for red wine. Not at the moment though. Exploring the low alcohol whites. It's been a while since I drank wine, after having Summer. I like to op shop. It's sometimes a bit hard to have a good look with the girls in tow.

  3. We have our wine glasses in a high cupboard - I really hope that will keep our new roamer at bay! Although, we haven't drunk much wine, lately (or much alcohol full stop!)

    I need to check out the local Life Line at some point - I popped into another op shop recently, but it was still pretty basic

    1. I haven't had alcohol much since having Summer(although she is 15 months). I started having a drop at night, not every!, when I gave up smoking.

  4. We buy cheap wine glasses from Kmart. Years ago I saw some wine glasses that were acrylic & looked like glass, but they cost an arm & a leg & I imagine they wouldn't look so good with a little wear. I love your little travel wine set, I must get one for myself!

    1. I should use mine more! I have seen them for sale at the post office before.

  5. Yay for op shops! In fact Miss 16 and I are planning a trip to our local Salvos store this afternoon :-)

  6. New follower here! LOVE op-shop bargains....only thing better is free stuff!

    1. Thanks for following and linking. Gotta love free stuff!!

  7. We break ours all the time. I pick up cheapies as I see them. My days having matching sets are over. Life's more fun this way I think.

    1. Yeah I think I will still get some fun ones, that are not so breakable.

  8. It's amazing how contingent life seems to get when you have kids! Everything we have is now plastic and comes with a straw. Although, I don't mind drinking wine through a straw! :)

  9. All my wines are corkscrewless too. Although we may be drinking around the same budget :)

  10. Sometimes I come across a cork. Otherwise their all screw tops or fake cork.

    Thanks for hosting and have a great week :)

  11. What a score! I love a bit of op shopping myself. I'm sorry I didn't link up this week, I've been so hoepless and busy. Next week!!!

  12. Bargain! I have this same problem- and I brought a glass set last month! (Although I still have one glass left).... Off to the op shop.

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