
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines day

Brett asked me to marry him on Valentines Day, 11 years ago. All I remember is thinking how soppy, he's asking me on valentines day, and that I knocked a glass of red wine all over the white table cloth! I felt embarrassed as he knelt next to me in the restaurant and everybody was looking, I was blushing. On our honeymoon years later, due to my finger shrinking while diving, I lost that original ring in the drink. It's at the bottom of the Great Barrier Reef, or in a fishs guts. Luckily travel insurance paid for a new one, exactly the same. 

Here is just a few suggestions to give some food lovin' goodness for your special person this Valentines Day. I will say it, even though it has been quoted to death, the way to anyones heart is through their stomach. Who wouldn't be totally chuffed if these dishes were served up in front of them? It would make me feel all warm and fuzzy, alas, my chances are slim to none, unless I made it myself! 


                                                                             Source: via Alicia - on Pinterest

Even if you are challenged in the cooking department for that one. This one would bring a smile to anyones face. Besides it looks just as freakin' delicious!

                                                                        Source: Uploaded by user via SZEMEM on Pinterest

You could get cute with fruit. I must admit a chocolate dip (particularly white) would be awesome  for dipping strawberry kebabs into. Yum! 

                                                                         Source: via Alicia - on Pinterest

                                                                          Source: via Alicia - on Pinterest

Do you celebrate Valentines Day, or does it just make you say "meh"?


  1. Replies
    1. I can only dream, breakfast in bed would have been ideal :)

  2. Cutest ideas ever!! We are a bit sporadic about V Day but I woke up this morning and M presented me with a voucher for a facial! I got him...nothing! Better pick up some champers tonight.

    1. We didn't buy for each other, but I did get a nice phone call today from him :)

  3. Love the fruit idea - no cooking there.
    We don't celebrate Valentines Day, so tonight he scored takeaway chinese.

  4. Awww! What a romantic proposal. What a shame you lost your original ring. I was proposed to on Valentine's Day too :) Snap!

    1. I felt terrible, at least I didn't lose the wedding band too!

  5. PS. Totally making those fruit skewers for Dora's party

    1. They make the perfect heart shapes. Kids love strawberries, well mine do. Don't forget the white chocolate!

  6. We're a bit hit and miss with Valentines. We never seem to discuss it and sometime we buy, sometimes one of us buys, other time's it's a bit of a null event. Our youngest is born on the 15th so now that seems to take priority. I was unimpressed the year he was born when the husband didn't think to get me some flowers. Had been heavily pregnant through a seemingly never-ending heatwave. He did get me flowers once the baby arrived though.

    This year he went all out starting with an email invite to gold class at home. We live in the sticks and there isn't a cinema complex without driving for hours. He cooked dinner, brought me wine and left over birthday cake while I watched a romantic comedy. It was really sweet.

    1. That does sound sweet. Nice to get a bit spoilt. We are very hit and miss too.


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