
Monday, February 4, 2013

Spaghetti Squash

I have to admit, my mum is the master veggie grower in this family. I'm not very good at it really. I can grow tomatoes, and I seem to be able to grow onions, and herbs. But mostly my harvest is pretty dismal. 

Lately when I have visited Mums place, I have come home with bags and bags of stuff. From great heads of green caterpillar infested broccoli, zucchinis, carrots, beans(which I did successfully grow this year, til the dog ransacked the garden), capsicums, baby corn and cucumbers. She also offered me a spaghetti squash. I will give anything a go, and hey its free, so why not?! She said to steam it (yeah right, I can't see myself steaming anything that big), so I googled to see how the experts people in the know do it, and most baked it. So spaghetti bog night came around and I baked my squash for an hour before the sauce was ready.

Using an icecream scoop to get rid of seeds

Forking strands of squash (Batman!)
I was wingin' it. I took the squash out of the oven and cut it in half and took to it with a fork. I scraped away at the cooked flesh and low and behold (total awesomeness) it came away in strands just like spaghetti. It tasted alright too. What was even better, and this is where my diet comes into it, 250 grams of this stuff is only 68 calories, compared to the 350 calories(this was a shock) of two fiddy grams of real spaghetti. Winner!!

I wrapped the other half in glad wrap, put it in the fridge and rehashed it(took to it with a fork, microwave reheated it) for lunch the next two days. I had it with olive oil, garlic, oregano and parsley(out the garden, coz I can grow that), and then with parmesan, thyme and garlic the next day.
Olive oil, parsley, oregano and garlic

Parmesan, garlic and thyme
Mum revealed that she had thrown one back in the compost because she had too many. I was shocked and appalled and told her at once, I would have some more!


  1. can't say I've ever thought/heard of mixing squash with spaghetti but it does look delicious! I can't even grow herbs, so you're one step ahead of me there!

  2. Wow - I would never have thought to do that with a squash. Great idea. If you ever saw our dismal attempt at growing carrots, you'll realize what a champion gardener you really are ;-)

  3. It's a special kind of squash. Lol, seriously, yours would have been better!

  4. That is fantastic & the reheat with garlic, thyme, parmasean & olive oil looks to die for!! I am so making that! And I'm pinning it on Pinterest too. Stomach is growling now.

  5. I've never seen or eaten spaghetti squash - will keep an eye out for it and see if I can grow it too.

  6. I've seen spaghetti squash before but I have never tried it. Might have to :)

  7. That actually loves quite tasty and being low is cals for sure since a vege. With the fussy bunch of turds I live with I would not attempt it but it's something for the memory bank when they leave home in 20 years ARGHHH - Emily

  8. Low carb, high vegetable factor! Impressive! I wonder if you can get these at Woollies? Will have to try and grown some when our garden is sorted out.

  9. Yum that looks delicious. I may have to try this to trick the kids!! So glad to be back for open slather even if I am a day late!!

    1. Glad as all hell to have you :) I just gave the kids pasta, because I know they will eat it. I'll have to try it out on them next time though.

  10. Spaghetti squash! I learned something new today :) hehe


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