
Monday, January 14, 2013

Little fatty

I went and bought a pair of bathroom scales. I knew I'd put on a bit, I wasn't quite prepared for how much. I was shocked. A feeling of shame swept over me as my mouth dropped open, 75 kg. My last weigh in full term with Izzy was 72! Shocking, just shocking. Seventy five kilos might sound not so bad for most, but with my 157 cm short frame, it's too much. I need to lose at least 15 kilograms, and am making my target 60 kg.

Wish me luck, I am kicking of my weight loss campaign today. I am registering my weight and will be filling in my food diary at I have been here before, I know I can do this, but just between you and me, I am shitting myself!


  1. Lol, exactly the same numbers! I was 75kg about a month after Bee was born. Now 73kg. Aiming for 60. Well, tchnially anything below 60 - ie 59.9. No set time frame, but I'm guessing it'll take all year...

    1. Under 60 would be nice, its going to hard work enough just getting to 60.

  2. Good luck with your health and fitness journey. Don't worry so much about the numbers on the scale but how you feel.

    1. Thankyou, I will feel much better when I am lighter. I need to do it now, before it gets worse.

  3. I can only dream of 75kg right now LOL I guess being 32 weeks pregnant probably doesn't help :P Good luck!

  4. Isn't it such a constant thorn in our sides, a blame a slowing of the metabolism with age, okay and lots of yummy treats and bubbly. Wouldn't it be nice to have to work at losing weight?! I am fortunate to have a tall frame which does help hide my rolls, until I put on swimmers or the like! Good luck Alicia! Emily

    1. I think I might be ok, I have done it before and know what to do. It's so bloody hard to maintain it at the end though. I need the luck then!

  5. Good luck Alicia with your weight loss! I had the same realisation last year which made me head to Weight Watchers. Six months later and I'm nearly 12 kilos lighter and a whole lot happier and healthier. Good luck with your journey, I'm sure you'll get there!

    1. Thanks for the luck, Hopefully I won't need it and stick with it til my goal is reached. My SIL invited me to go with her weight watchers last week, I may have to take her up on it.

  6. Sending you lots of positive vibes and good luck! It is a hard slog. I lost 12 kgs in 6 months over the second half of last year. Then put 4 back on in 4 weeks of Christmas/Silly season. So unfair that it's so easy to put on and so hard to take off! But keep the faith, have confidence, and stay focused - you will do it!

  7. Good luck with the weight loss! I am also looking to lose a few kilos (or more!). I have steadily lost weight over the last few months, but need to get in more exercise in order to get rid of my fat tummy! The thought of sit-ups and the like, though, really turns me off!

    1. I prefer to walk, sit ups really turn me off too! I scoff at exercising! Walking is so...easy! Good luck with losing the tum!

  8. Alicia, I weigh the same ... I'm 164cm tall though. But could definitely do with losing a bit ...

  9. I had the same realisation middle of last year - it does come as a shock.

  10. I had the same shock in May last year, I joined weight watchers, but I hadn't weighed myself for ages. In about 4 months, I lost 19 pounds and got back into skinny jeans!
    Good luck, tracking your meals really does help.

    1. Can not wait to fit into my jeans without the muffin overflow! The food diary definitely helps, I am much more aware of what I am putting in.

  11. Ok, so, the title cracked me up! However, MUST cut yourself some slack!!! You JUST quit smoking! Of course, you're going to gain weight (holidays don't help either). I'm so proud of your accomplishment and, if you can quit smoking, you can do anything you set your mind to!!!

    1. Thanks. Well I am little, and I am fat, it's a no brainer!! lol. I must be in a good willpowered phase in my life, because I am so motivated right now. Hopefully I can keep it up.

  12. Your a silly one lol! I try to avoid the scale at all costs myself. I mainly gauge my weight by the tightness of my pants ;)

    Thanks for hosting!

    1. My pants are very tight! I needed to see the numbers on the scale to jolt myself into action. I am on day 2 of my diet, so far so good.


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