
Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Tree

I have always put the christmas tree up on the day of the Mt Gambier christmas parade.  While I am quick to stand back, ooh and aah, and fuss and fart, and be rearranging for days after, I didn't bother this year, it looked good the first time. I'm really not sure if this is because Izzy was more active in hanging the decorations this year or if I have become less fussy about the way it looks. I reckon I am less fussy and just can't be buggered, well this year anyway.

I must have forgotten how tall this tree was, I had all intentions of putting it up on a table but the ceiling got in the way! The temptation for Summer was too much, although she has been quite good and left the tree pretty much alone, there was a casualty early on.

Summer was mesmerised watching the singing and dancing Santa Claus. I'm betting next year when the fat man gets pulled out she will be scared of him, like Izzy was last year. Izzy is fine with him now, and wiggles her hips and dances along as he sings 'Jingle Bell Rock' and sways his hips side to side.


  1. We have never had a tree I have not had to worry about!! If its not an animal its a kid who tries to look or touch, all good fun though!!
    I am majorly slack this year. We got the tree out last week but it is still sitting there un decorated.

  2. We put our tree up on Saturday and now that the kids are 8 & 5, I could let them go for it! They did a great job, too. I can't believe how quickly we got passed the stage of worrying about babies & trees. :)

    1. I bet they had a great time decorating too. Izzy was very excited to get into the bag of decorations, I had to hold her back so I could get the lights on and tinsel before she could put baubels and stuff on.

  3. These photos are delightful. Your girls are so sweet. No Christmas tree at Chez 'Abulous yet but a trip to Bunnings yesterday yielding a bucket of Christmas lights for the front window and two very happy girls.

    1. Oooh Christmas lights are cool. I used to do the house up, but haven't for a few years, maybe when the girls get a bit older.

  4. I let the kids just do the try with the intention of fixing it if need be, so far I haven't had to move that much. Though the 11 year old has had a bit of practice I guess. Thanks for hosting

  5. Your tree looks great. Dora keeps pulling tufts of tinsel off the tree. It must be so tempting!

    I shared Ang's recipe today :)

    1. Thanks for sharing Kaz. All that sparkle and shiny balls to play with I can see how tempting it is.

  6. Tree looks fabulous! And our tree is up, but now my son who is 14 is not really that interested in putting it up, I think he just helps to please me hehe! Oh I see you live in the Mount, my Hubby is from there, still has lots of family down there. You're about the 4th or 5th blogger I've come across that either lives there or near it, or has family there. Small world!

    1. I did recognise your surname and that there were some in the mount. I live in a nearby town. I don't really know of any other bloggers near me(well one).

  7. Thanks Alicia for visiting my post, i hope you drop by again. Re my post: I am also annoyed first at seeing the eaten leaves of my caladium, but they are torn already when i see them in the mornings. Wait till you see my next post because my newly bought fully reddish-violet caladium has 3 pink larvae, very beautiful, so i just allowed them. I bet the adult moth has a very difficult time looking for a plant to lay its eggs, because this is the first time we had that caladium color with us, haha!

  8. Lovely tree! Yes I'm braving a tree and a 1 year old. So far we've had one present unwrapped prematurely and several decorations now have teeth marks on them. I thought it would be far worse though.

    1. I ain't even going to try putting presents on the floor! Some of our baubels probably have teeth marks :)

  9. The tree is not up yet - trying to find time and energy! :)

  10. Looks like the girls did a great job! I was lazy and decorated my tree with advent calendar envelopes .... some of the activities detailed with the envelopes refer to decorating the tree- so I brought some time!

  11. Looks great. We put ours up a few days ago and it was so much fun. B1 and B2 loved it. Especially both having a go at helping daddy put the star on top.

  12. Santa's pretty cool! And the tree looks great. Our 2.5 year old helped put the decorations up - meaning she took them from mum, handed them to dad, then giggled and sang as he placed them on the tree. It's all she wanted to do!

  13. We put our tree up this week too, we got a real tree, something I have been fighting since my man and I got together. His family tradition was real trees and they usually make me sneeze like crazy! I'm happy to say that after relenting I have found this tree to be quite fine. The house doesn't really even smell of pine after the first few days, which was surprising. Your tree is adorable, I love the pics of the little ones with it.


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