
Monday, November 19, 2012

Pierre de Ronsard - Open Slather

This is the most Romantic looking rose I have ever seen.
It is breathtakingly beautiful. I am beside myself with awe
every year when it bursts
 into bloom.

Pierre de Ronsard (1524 – 1585) was a french poet in the court of Mary Queen of Scots. Here are two of his poems.


I send you here a wreath of blossoms blown,
And woven flowers at sunset gathered,
Another dawn had seen them ruined, and shed
Loose leaves upon the grass at random strown.
By this, their sure example, be it known,
That all your beauties, now in perfect flower,
Shall fade as these, and wither in an hour,
Flowerlike, and brief of days, as the flower sown.

Ah, time is flying, lady - time is flying;
Nay, ’tis not time that flies but we that go,
Who in short space shall be in churchyard lying,
And of our loving parley none shall know,
Nor any man consider what we were;
Be therefore kind, my love, whiles thou art fair. 


  1. What gorgeous roses :) I wish I could grow, well anything, but I am a hopeless gardener :)

  2. OMG, they are truely, TRUELY divine!!

    1. And one day I will learn how to spell *truly*!

  3. Aren't they just beautiful! As you say, very romantic and 'old fashioned' looking. I love roses. Thank goodness there were some at our house when we moved here - and I haven't managed to kill them yet!

  4. Beautiful - I seriously need to do a gardening course of buy a green thumb.

  5. Beautiful pictures and beautiful words today. You are blessed to live with such gorgeous surroundings.

  6. Wow, these are so pretty. They look like an English garden to me. I've never heard of that poet. Thank you for sharing. I particularly like the second poem.


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