
Friday, November 30, 2012

No Smokes, no jokes!

It's been almost two weeks, I haven't had a smoke in twelve days! I'm giving myself a reward too, I deserve it. I am so glad I bit the bullet and went with giving up when I did. I'm glad I swooped in the opportunity now, and not waited. The right time may have not come again for a while, making it harder to give up, the will may have passed me by.

It's given me a huge confidence boost, knowing I am succeeding(so far) with this. The comments I have had from people have been encouraging and supportive.

I was also surprised at the people that had no idea I was a smoker. Congratulating me and admitting they didn't even know, I must have been that good at hiding it, I was sure they'd smelled it on me before. When visitors came, ones that I didn't know well, I didn't go out and have a smoke. I was respectful, I listened to the conversation, and resisted. As soon as they left I was out lunging down a fag.

I never smoked at work, but when I got home I made up for it, it was like a game of catch up. My boss didn't even know for the first few years. I have heard smokers say the same thing, if they didn't or couldn't smoke at work, they would have lots when they got home, to make up for it, to get the nicotine in their system, like the days quota. 

I have rewarded myself this week. I've bought Rohan Andersons cook book. Some of you may have come across Rohans blog, some of you may have not. Rohan lives in an old school house in Ballarat, Victoria. His blog, Whole Larder Love, documents his garden obsession and hunting prowess, whether it be fishing or shooting, and the simple food that comes from his love of self sufficiency. This is his new cook book, I have been wanting to flick my fingers through it since it was released a few months ago. Rohan is also a fantastic photographer, I am looking forward to marvelling (and drooling) at amazing pictures of food! I can say, I can totally afford to buy it this week, because I am not a dag, only dags need fags!

image source: Whole Larder Love


  1. That's fantastic Alicia! I have never smoked myself but my parents were both heavy smokers and it was very difficult for them to eventually quit - it took a few attempts but they did it. Well done to you, I hope you continue going strong!

    1. Thanks, I have full intentions of keeping strong :)

  2. Oh well done! Just think of all the things you can buy that won't go up in a puff of smoke and won't give you wrinkles, bad breath, yellow skin and oh, cancer! YAY FOR YOU! xxx

  3. Congratulations Alicia!!! Ever since you've posted about this on Facebook, I've been rethinking my coke zero habit (I have about 6-7 cans a day- disgusting!).... All the best. And good on you for rewarding yourself x

    1. I must admit I love Coke Zero too, I have recently been drinking the new Pepsi Next. 6 or 7 cans does seem like a lot!

  4. Congratulations! Well done!


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